Oct 28, 2004 18:48
NothingWitty00: hey Jake
SixString jake: hallo
Auto response from NothingWitty00: I am asleep. If you need me, give me a call. Serious.
NothingWitty00: what's up?
SixString jake: you lie!!
SixString jake: your not asleep
SixString jake: unless
NothingWitty00: i do
SixString jake: ahhhhhhhhhh
SixString jake: im in kevin's dream
SixString jake: get me out of here!
NothingWitty00: hahah. yes.
NothingWitty00: my dream.
NothingWitty00: and since you are in my brain you must do what i say.
SixString jake: no what did i do to deserve this?
NothingWitty00: you cut your hair.
NothingWitty00: Now, I know that was a while ago.
NothingWitty00: But...
NothingWitty00: YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!!! Sell out