Dec 03, 2004 23:35
Dude this is so carazy I dont even know what to say there is so much on my mind today and my boyfriend wasnt even at school the first half of the day which brought me down then we went and got him at lunch (thanks richie) and i felt bad about that because I dont like asking Richie to do stuff for me because I donno he kinda well gives me a bad vibe about it well Heather is moving out on like the first and im going to miss dominic like crazy because hes my lil buddy have you ever had anyone love you the most out of anyone at your house its sad but im moving back into my old room and my parents are going to fix things for me and well today on the bus leaving ren the skank of a bus driver yelled at me and brian because we hugged and he kissed me on the cheek so brian is suspended for 4 days because he swore at the bus driver so w.e thats so stupid and i hate mrs. Pambid for it shes so gay so brians out of school til next friday school is so going to suck with out him its just no fun when hes not there and i had to come home and baby sit today and im so sick of people calling me to watch the kid its just not fair so i came home at 6 and had to babysit til 9:45 and during that time phil came home with his friend and alcohol and he was bitchin at me and i cant wait til hes gone the day hes kicked out is the day i get to be happy again well 22 more days til christmas im so happy well anywho i donno to much shit is going on and im just pissed well yeah im going to go find something to do <3