RED Soldier: Stores additional severed heads in his room, easy to manipulate with talk of war strategy
BLU Spy: Disobeys company policy
RED Heavy: Shows concern for teammates, has interesting ideas on how to dissuade Scout from eating my food
RED Sniper (sawmill)- Sleeping with the Pyro, doesn't eat, doesn't have furniture in his van camper, takes his job too seriously, needs to learn to lighten up, The most insufferable man in existence, also there was soup.
RED Pyro: Willing to share intimate details about the RED Sniper
RED Spy (Mayfield): Not that this is a surprise but I am better off than he is.
RED Scout: can't be polite even with the threat of imminent demise
BLU Spy: Thinks Pyro is made of potatoes, more mentally unstable than previously thought
RED Pyro: Thinks it is part of her job to take care of both Snipers, Needs to be reminded the BLU one is for stabbing
RED Sniper (Mayfield): insightful knowledge of Soldiers mental processes
BLU Sniper: Have caused paranoia and distrust. Must keep up the good work.
RED Sniper (Sawmill): does not appreciate my work on the field, still insufferable, Mountain Spring is a good scent on him need to repeat that, killed after ATTEMPTED to kill after didn't attack at all left alone partial concern for teammates, nevermind, keep notes on Sniper mentally rather than on paper.
BLU Spy - Professional chit chat
RED Sniper (Sawmill) - Sniper is a party pooper, also clothes shopping.
femRED Scout - The other Spy is dabbling in someone far too young for him, the incompetent fool.
femBLU Sniper - Flirting with a Sniper, an interesting experiment.
RED Sniper - Shopping for cookware, Fireflies, lingerie, taking care of a sick Sniper, drugged by Medic and things better left unseen.
Dubious Sources
Commander Shephard: Is the smallest heavy class I've ever seen, knowledge of guns and fighting tactics
Memebells NSFW
Wesley Gibson - I could get used to this..
Alice - Slaved
Wesley Gibson - End of the Hunt
Wesley Gibson - Fitting Punishment
RED Spy - Making the most of the Situation
RED Spy - Dramatic Showdown Indeed
RED Spy - Dubious Intentions
femBLU Sniper - After the Battle
Wesley Gibson - It has been a while.
Wesley Gibson- The Initiation
Wesley Gibson- Naptime