Entry 23

Jun 08, 2010 21:50

Finally! OWL's are over, and I think I did okay.

Anyway, camp in America! It'll be fun!


I keep thinking about Otani lately, for some reason. Maybe all the cramming went to my head?

Anyway, I want to measure myself...I'm probably the same height that was a year ago, but it doesn't hurt to check, right?


[Accidental voice post]

[There's a rustle, then silence, until finally...]

...WHAT?! This can't be right! I'll do it again!


...It's true...

[OOC: Long stroy short? She measured herself with a measuring tape...and discovered that she grew 2cm or an inch, which makes her now 174cm/5'9''. Enjoy the freak-out.]

otani, height complex, risa

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