Oct 19, 2006 06:51
I think it just sunk in.
That was my last Cross Country race ever. At least my friends and i went out with a bang.
It took me like 15 minutes to wash all the mud off my body. It was everywhere.
People are so wierd. They feel the need to live vicariously through thier friends. Life would be perfect if it wasn't for all the wierdos screwing with your day.
Seriously, this last week i've seen more examples of the proverbial egotistic [prick or bitch] than i know what to do with. Its such a bummer.
All better. Do you know why? Because I have Ali. She's wonderful. She's so cool. She's cool like lemonade. She's cool like the other side of the pillow. She's so cool, her mom is cool.
Thats how cool she is.
Mike Tyson wants to fight girls. No joke. he's on some sort of "world tour." He wants to fight the female heavy weight champion. This if course would be Mike Tyson, the man whose own heavy weight championship was ended by an unfortunate loss to the american justice system. The fool is a convict. He BIT SOMEONE, and he thinks people are going to let him in the ring with a woman who he outweighs by like 60lbs? He'll do more than just bite her.
Sometimes i think idiots( ad by that i mean people who make desicions that make me upset) should have to wear little collars or wristbands that stop them from doing stupid things. It would be great. Like an invisible fence for idiots.
Of course this begs the question, how do we know who qualifies as an idiot? Am I an idiot? Well, if you're asking this of yourself, then yes, you probobly are. As to who else qualifies, thats where i come in. You see, if you nominate me Emperor of Rohde Island, i will make it my personal mission to stop idiots from doing stupid things.
So, we'll try the idiot collar, but if that doesn't work we might just have to fall back on Sasha's idea.
Smart people get Rocketlaunchers and a liscence to kill idiots. Problem solved. How do we know who's smart? They'd be the one's with the rocketlaunchers. Are you smart? I doubt it.
Of course, there are some very bright people who make bad decisions. Those people are what we here call Idiot Savants.
They don't get Rocket Launchers.
The End.
Random Quote:
"How do you write women so well?" "I think of a man, then i take away reason, and accountability." ~As good as it gets.