Apr 15, 2006 12:20
You've probobly noticed that the population of earth can be divided into smart people and dumb people. This would be a perfect distinction if you could tell what group you are in. How do you know you are smart? What if you were so dumb you felt smart? What if you were so dumb, and others were so smart, that they sound dumb to you? As Scott Adams says, "I have to assume it all feels the same."
However, it is easier to tell if others are dumb. A good test is to announce at the next gathering you attend that you have discovered and herbal treatment for ugliness, fatness, baldness, impotence, sexual fetishes, shortness, and dislexia. Tell them it involves crawling on all fours on the lawn, munching on the grass and repeating the pattented mantra, "moooo."
Dumb people will assume you are highly qualified to dispense medical advice, especially if you say you tried it and it worked...or you saw it on Oprah. They will scurry like little lemmings out to the yard, plop down on allfours to start the cure. "Smart people" on the other hand, will attempt to discern what scientific evidence there is backing this up. Scott Adams suggests taking the conversation in this direction:
Smart Person: What evidence do you have that supports your claim?
Me: What evidence do YOU have to support anything you think?
Smart: I rely on scientific evidence.
Me: i see. and how many double blind studies have you performed?
Smart: well, none, but i read them every day.
Me: so you rely on the oppinions of writers you don't know to describe research you don't understand that was performed by people who probobly have financial incentives to mislead you?
Smart: you have exposed me for the hypocrite i am. I'll be out on the lawn.
Me: very good. Stay away from the trees. We have dogs.
Sadly, it seldom has such a happy end. There is usually some mindless dribble about repeatable results, peer reviews, and how science isn't perfect but its better than guessing blah blah. Then I point out that it all boils down to "someone you don't know told oyu it was true." Next thing i know there are fistcuffs, corective lenses go flying, children cry. My point is i don't get invited to parties and i don't know why.