Nov 25, 2010 19:39
[The video flicks on to show a rather peaceful - perhaps even cute - scene. It's the interior of the Mahou Treehouse... more specifically, of Patchouli's room. Curled up in bed are two figures: the aforementioned witch, and a certain unimpressive gatekeeper; the latter completely enveloping the former in her embrace, and sort of leaning on her.
...except the witch is waking up now, and... doesn't seem to be able to move. She struggles for a moment against the chinese girl's vice-like grip, a look of irritation quickly spreading across her face.]
Meiling, I can't-
[She struggles a bit more.]
You're heavy-!
[...and then, only moments after she started, she stops struggling; if there was a reason beyond charity why Meiling was employed at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it was likely because she was rather insanely strong. Patchouli, on the other hand, had trouble lifting multiple books at once. She was going to be here for a while.
...but then an interloper arrived, in the form of a small cat; maybe, just maybe he would be her ticket to freedom.]
...I don't suppose you know commands like "maim" or "kill", do you?
[...apparently not, as Orrerries interprets these commands as 'please lick my face'. Which, admittedly, he does very dutifully. But, eventually, he got bored of that, as cats are wont to do; this wasn't getting him any new and/or different sorts of attention, after all. So, as suddenly as he arrived, he dashed off again.
Which left Patchouli still stuck.
...a moment's thought, though, and she came up with a plan. It wasn't a plan with much dignity, of course, but... desperate times and all that.
It was difficult to tell exactly what she was doing at first, though; from the way her hands were moving, it might almost seem like she was copping a feel on the unconscious gate guard. However... the gate guard's reaction tells a slightly different story.
It starts with a smile, different from the sloppy grin she normally wore while sleeping. Then, a small giggle... and, soon, uproarious laughter. She simultaneously released the witch - hoping to use those limbs to guard her previously-unprotected flanks - and rolled away, hoping to escape this new tickle-hell to which she had been consigned.
And ended up on the floor, because she was on the edge of the bed to begin with.
The feed ends on this sad note.]