1. taken a picture naked? Ew, no.
2. painted your room? Indeedly. Five colours. Green, blue, magenta, yellow, and lavender.
3. made out with a member of the same sex? Hehehehe. Repeatedly :P
4. drove a car? Nup
5. danced in front of your mirror? No suh
6. had a crush? Well, duh
7. been dumped? No. Thankfully.
8. stole money from a friend? No
9. gotten in the car with people you didnt know? Yes. Well, not directly. My friend's mother.
10. been in a fist fight? Nah. Closest would be when I grabbed some kid by the front of his shirt in a somewhat threatening way. And he was in the grade above me.
11. had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? mhm
12. had feelings for a friend? Yes.
14. made out with a stranger? lol. never.
15. met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? mhm. But it wasn't just us two
16. left your house with out telling your parents? To take out the trash. lol
17. had a crush on your neighbor? I've had too many neighbours and none of them were my age.
18. ditched school to do something more fun? Just the once :P
19. slept (not had sex) in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yes
20. seen someone die? Not in person
21. been on a plane? multiple times
22. kissed a picture? ........Yes
23. slept in until 3? yup yup
24. miss someone right now? Pathetically, yes.
25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? oh my, yes
26. made a snow angel? Not that I recall... haven't seen snow since, what. 2004.
27. played dress up? Probably have
28. cheated while playing a game? I have, at times, not told another person that I had lost the game. Which you just did, by the way.
29. been lonely? Yes.
30. fallen asleep at work/school? Most definitely.
31. been to a bar? Yes
32. felt an earthquake? No
33. touched a snake? Several. They're... odd.
34. ran a red light? If you mean a red crosswalk light, yes. haha
35. been suspended from school? No
36. had detention? Yep
37. been in a car accident that you didnt cause? No
38. hated the way you look? no
39. witnessed a crime? no
39. been the person doing the crime? no
40. pole danced? no
41. been lost? Many a time.
42. been to the opposite side of the country? Nooooooo. I've restricted myself to this eastern side :P
43. felt so sick you thought you might die? yeah
44. cried yourself to sleep? yes
46. sang karaoke? OBVIOUSLY.
47. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes
48. laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? ick. mhm.
49. caught a snowflake on your tongue? no
50. kissed in the rain? I'm working on it
51. sang in the shower? yes
52. had sex in a park? lmao. No way.
53. had a dream where you were married? I don't think so...
54. glued your hand to something? HA! YES! a pen. SUPERglue. it came off, just like the simpsons said it would, with sweat. icky.
55. got your tongue/”arm” stuck to a flag pole? wtf? no
56. ever gone to school partially naked? lol. nooooooo
57. been a cheerleader? uh-uh
58. sat on a roof top? yes
59. didn’t take a shower for a week? no
60. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Not at first.
61. played chicken? HA. yep.
62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Naw. My friends aren't that mean... I hope
64. broken a bone? nope
65. been easily amused? Yeah
66. laughed so hard you cried? yes
67. mooned/flashed someone? not on purpose
68. cheated on a test? ha. um. no? :P
69: forgotten someones name? Repeatedly.
70. slept naked? yep
71. gone skinny dipping? no
73. blacked out from drinking? no
74. played a prank on someone? mmhm
75. gone to a late night movie? why yes
76. made love to anything not human? EW.
77. failed a class? No... not yet >>
78. choked on something you’re not supposed to eat? Not that I remember
79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours in total? You mean in one day. No. I probably will one day.
80. been cheated on? I doubt it :P
81. did you celebrate the 4th of July? not here.
82. thrown strange objects? *heaves typewriter in reply*
83. felt like killing someone? there are times when i wield a butcher knife and think, is it worth it?
84. felt like running away? when I was younger
86. did drugs? no
87. had detention and not attend it? no
89. made a parent cry? maybe?
90. cried about someone? yes
91. had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period? this question is beyond my years.
92. dated someone you didn’t even like? Nay. Unless you count one incident where peer pressure led to this boy asking me out. And then, three minutes later, while everyone was still excited about how we'd finally gotten together... I said, "Jashank! Will you break up with me?" which was answered with, "Yes." Then I went to band and all was well.
93. had/have a dog? Had. He went to Queensland. He lives with my grandparents now :( (And I don't mean that he's dead, because my grandparents aren't dead either. I mean he literally lives with them now.)
95. own an instrument? piano. drum kit. ukulele. several recorders. a violin. guitar. But I only have the piano, guitar and uke now. Well, and a melodica :D
96. been in band? Yes yes. Several!
97. drank 25 sodas in a day? Ewww. no
98. broken a CD? Mhm
99. shot a gun? a laser gun, and a water gun, and one of those Nerf guns. Oh, and those guns that go bang and shoot, like, sparks or something...
100. had feelings for one of your best friends? Yes. But there was this one time where they were reciprocated, and then we started going out. And we still are :P
I really need to go outside. It's spring, for chrissake.