[CT] 72.7 - You're not perfect sport, and let me save you the suspense...

Jul 19, 2009 20:33

You're not perfect sport, and let me save you the suspense,
this girl you met, she isn't perfect either.
But the question is whether or not
you're perfect for each other. - Good Will Hunting

The summer made the days feel long, and the warmth in the apartment wasn't intolerable but it wasn't quite cool enough to be comforting. It wasn't a heat that surrounded itself around you, and made you feel like you could just lie on the floor and let a small puppy's mouth huff small little pants of breath to the top of your head for a while. Elle kept the lights off, the shades drawn in the bedroom and padded around barefoot with a pair of Don's boxers on over her underwear and a tank top on. She could've cheated and turned the air on, but instead she left the windows open and let the ceiling fans circulate the breeze that would come into the room now and again.

Fred followed her around while she shut the windows, but he eventually settled on the floor in the middle of a patch of sun, panting and apparently enjoying the heat. Pausing in the middle of the room Elle glanced to the puppy, wondering how he could tolerate just taking a nap in the radiating heat of sunlight right through the glass. Pressing the arch of her foot against her calf she tugged at the bottom of her tank top, trying to create a breeze of some sort to her stomach.

"Okay, even I can't just watch you lay in the sun like that, you're going to cook!"

Elle leaned down and scooped the sleeping puppy up off the floor. He was a bit startled, but settled in against her as she carried him into the bedroom with her. Placing him onto the bed he walked along the edge of the bed, watching her as she moved to shut the windows in the bedroom. She watched him walk toward the edge toward the door as she moved out to the front room as she turned the air on. Shutting her eyes she exhaled, feeling that slight bit of circulated air pushing through the vents. Taking a deep breath she tugged the hairband out of her hair and moved back to the bedroom and climbed onto the bed.

It was the middle of the afternoon, but Elle didn't actually have much to do. Laundry was done, and Don had been called in for something she barely heard when he whispered it to her that morning. Plus the bed felt cool, and Fred was licking at her toes, probably because she had walked in the kitchen, where his food bowl was. Her foot shifted a bit, before she sat up and reached for the puppy and brought him up closer to her as she rested against the pillow. He turned around a few times before curling into a small little puppy shaped ball beside her. As the her body relaxes and the room cools off Elle finds herself falling asleep with a puppy who is almost snoring with the way he breathes in.

There's no real moment when Elle realizes she's fallen asleep, but the sunlight shifts from behind the drawn shades and the hours do slink by her without much notice. The sound of Don's keys in the door wake up Fred, who plods along the bed and eventually realizes there's no way he can leap from the bed to go greet him at the door. So he just sits at the edge of the bed and watches the door.

Don's loosening his tie as he heads into the bedroom, scratching Fred, who is very happy to see him, behind his ear. The weight on the bed is barely recognized by Elle, but she still stirs with a deep inhale, and a slight stretch of her foot. Don settles onto his side beside her, propped up on his elbow, watching her for a moment. Fred tries to wiggle his way up between the two of them, but becomes distracted by the shadow of a bird across the shades on the window and goes to pace back and forth at the edge of the bed, once more contemplating if he can make it off the bed to the floor.

When fingertips brushed her bangs off of her forehead Elle shifted again, making a soft sound as her eyes opened just enough for her to get the sight of blurry out of focus Don. Her hand went up to her face, groaning a bit, mostly embarrassed that she'd fallen asleep in the middle of the day. "What time is it?" Elle's words were mumbled against her hand as she turned into the pillow a bit, trying to wake up a bit more than she was at the moment.

With a light laugh Don smirked, "Hey, what's with the hiding, it's just a bit before four." Leaning in Don pressed a kiss to her temple, his finger wiggling into her side, stirring a laugh from her.

"Hey! That's cheating." Elle just turned over onto her stomach, trying to stifle her laughter as he tickled at her side. "I'm not even ticklish!"

"Yeah, which is why you're laughin' so hard."

Fred was just as excitable, yipping from the other side of the bed, and nipping at the bed sheets for no apparent reason other than they were there.

"I'm humoring your feeble attempts to wake me up?" Elle shrugged still trying to maintain that she was waking up.

Shifting onto her side once more, she glanced up at Don from behind her hair. His hand tucked beneath a few strands near the tip of her nose and swept it back behind her ear, before leaning in to press a kiss to her lips. Pulling back a bit he smiled, "You're allowed to sleep you know. I'm pretty sure you fake being asleep when I come home after pulling third shift."

Furrowing her brow a bit, Elle's nose wrinkled as she denied it all, "You're mistaken I think. Fred's the faker. Also I think he snores."

Don's hand reached with an open palm over Elle's hip for Fred to gnaw on his fingers a bit before he was scooped up and brought over between the two of them. "Fred snores and fakes sleeping huh? Sounds like he's really good at fakin' if he can snore while doin' it."

"He's a pro."

"He's got an expert teachin' him all the tricks in the book then," Don replied, as he rolled onto his back with Fred trying to climb atop his chest.

"Eh, I do what I can, you know when I'm not falling asleep on the job," she said with a sigh as she moved to curl in closer to him. "It's almost too hot for this. You, Fred and me... and the heat of New York in the summer."

Don's hand reached over to brush across Elle's bare shoulder, "Hey, I'm still in my suit, you're practically stripped down over there."

"Okay, so it's too hot for you." Her chin rested to his shoulder for a moment, shutting her eyes for a moment.

Don turned toward her petting the dog a bit, "You gonna go back to sleep?"

Taking in a deep breath, Elle shrugged, "Dunno. Are you gonna go shower and change?"

"Was thinkin' bout it. Mean no sense in only one of us bein' comfortable in this heat."

With her eyes still shut, chin still pressed to his shoulder Elle mumbled, "Fred too. I don't dress him up. He's living cute-" with a soft sigh in between her words, "-outfit free."

"Yeah, I think that's good for all of us," Don replied as he brushed a kiss to her forehead lightly.

"Mmm... Fred approves of my lack of tutus for him." Inching up a bit closer to Don she sighed again, "So are you getting up yet?"

"Out of bed you mean?"

"Uh-huh?" Elle's chin wobbled against his shoulder as she spoke.

"Thinkin' about it."

"That means you'll have to move me."


"And Fred."


"But you'd be out of the suit."

"That I would."

"I approve of this plan."

Don chuckled, "You do, now do you?"

Lifting Fred up off his chest, Don switched him into his other hand and leaned back a bit, setting him onto the floor. Little puppy toenails tore toward the kitchen, as Elle curled up against Don, burying her face against his shoulder.

"Mmmm... now he's going to eat more. Then I'm going to have to get dressed and take him out."

Shifting a bit Don, wrapped his arm around her pulling her close to him. His mouth rested to the top of her head, his words murmured a bit, "I could take him out. Hop in the shower when I get back."

"Such a plan," she mumbled into him a bit before sitting up a bit, propping herself on her elbow, her hair still a mess from the pillow. "You take Fred, and I'll steal the shower from you."

Smirking a bit, there was a bit of a laugh, "Oh yeah? Stealing something from a Detective. Not so smart there Miss Bishop."

With a raise of her eyebrow, she smirked, "You could steal it back."

Shaking his head he stood up, "Now who's got the plan."

Sitting up, she drew her legs up folding them Indian style, her head nodding as she ran her fingers through her hair, "Me? It's not like you object to it though, right?"

Moving toward the door, Don leaned against the framing, "Not in the least."

Biting her bottom lip she tugged her tank top off, and tossed it at him, "Then you better take Fred out. He's young, and impressionable." With one hand she crossed it over her chest and slipped up off the bed, moving over toward Don and pressing up on tip toe. His hands rested to her waist as he leaned down to kiss her, before pulling away to take Fred outside.

Elle smiled at him, watching him kneel down to hook the leash onto his collar and trying to have some sort of a bargaining conversation with the puppy. This was one of those moments, and she knew it. One of those moments that could've just passed her by, but by taking the second to notice, Elle knew that she could have this life. It wasn't perfect, but it was hers.

Don glanced back at her, smiling, before he headed downstairs and Elle moved into the bathroom, pushing the door shut and starting to run the water. She'd steal the shower, and he'd steal it back. Fred would fall asleep outside the bathroom door, waiting for both of them to come pay attention to him. It wasn't perfect, but it was theirs.

[written for]: couples therapy, [live this life]: events, [live this life]: prompts

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