[just a little lie] baby mangoes and no names

Oct 24, 2010 20:35

Elle: The fruit is a mango now, but I can't tell if it's a boy mango or a girl mango. [sighs]

Sylar: I'm still hoping for a [err] a boy mango.

Elle: If it's a boy mango what would we name it?

Sylar: [hadn't actually thought about that ...] I don't know.

Elle: Do we want to know what sex our fruit is? [smirks, because it's still funny to her that she gets to call it a fruit]

Sylar: [amused eyeroll] I'd like to know, yeah.

Elle: [amused pouting, don't roll your eyes at the pregnant woman] Can you just look at me and tell?

Sylar: Maybe. [probably, since her body's working differently than it should, but he's been trying to avoid doing that for whatever reason]

Elle: [shrugs, moving over toward him] We can ask the doctor next time he comes by. [since, clearly they are awesome enough that their doctor comes to them]

Sylar: [of course they are] Or I could tell you. Whatever you want. [moves to meet her, putting an arm around her carefully]

Elle: [takes a breath, leaning into him] I'd rather you be the first one to know, not the doctor who then tells me. [shrugs] I don't know, that makes sense right?

Sylar: It does, yeah.

Elle: [hums thoughtfully]

Sylar: [shifts away just a bit and tilts his head to one side, studying her with hard, narrow eyes. okay, mun type people. what sex is the kidlet?]

Sylar: [eyes her for a moment more, then smirks slowly] Sure you want to know?

Elle: [takes a breath, glancing up at him] Possibly. [thinks some more] I'm not sure you'd be good at keeping a secret like that. [completely teasing]

Sylar: [still smirking, looking entirely too pleased with himself] Mm. You'd be surprised.

Elle: [eyes him, you have a horrible poker face mister] Oh?

Sylar: [yes. yes, he does] Yep.

Elle: [leans up to kiss him softly] Hmmm....

Sylar: [kisses her back, still smirking under her lips. really bad poker face here]

Elle: [pulls back, grinning] You wouldn't be able to keep this from me with the way you're nearly grinning.

Sylar: I could try.

Elle: [rests her head to his chest] You could...

Sylar: [slips a hand up into her hair, and forces himself not to say anything. is just being a huge jerk now]

Elle: [shuts her eyes, listening to his heartbeat] ...or you could tell me.

Sylar: I could. [lapses back into silence for a minute, and then breaks] ... we'd better start picking out a boy's name.

Elle: [smiles, tipping her head up to press a kiss to his chin, since she is still tiny -- and fat]

Sylar: [she's not fat -- she's pregnant. there's a difference. tilts his head down to kiss her back, still looking irrationally pleased with himself. mostly because he wanted a son, so]

Elle: [she would argue that when she's usually teeny and now she's a house (over-exaggerating) that she's fat, but she'll meet him in the kiss, still feeling that curve of his smirk hinting at his features]

Sylar: [would argue back and win -- he's pretty sure he wins at everything ever right now, anyway. spiders his fingers in and out of her hair, sighing, content]

Elle: [takes a breath, just resting against him] A boys name... huh.

Sylar: Yeah. [and if she suggests they name him after him, he's going to be like HELL NO]

Elle: [she is not so big on the Roman numerals being added to names or abbreviations either, so no worries there]

Sylar: [oh, good. ... no naming him Robert or Martin, either]

Elle: [had... no intention of that. Her middle name is Robin (even if the comics say Zoe) and her father didn't win any prizes]

Sylar: [his middle name is Robert, too, but ... was thinking more no naming him after either of their fathers]

Sylar: [or, well, that's the middle name the mun is going with]

Elle: [then that's agreed upon] We can always get one of those books.

Sylar: Might not be a bad idea.

Elle: [exhales again, yawning as well, though trying to hide it] Just go through a letter looking for ones that aren't ridiculous.

Sylar: Yep. [brushes his fingers through her hair]

Elle: [shuts her eyes, the whole playing with her hair thing is making her sleepy]

Sylar: [well, she yawned, so maybe he's trying to help or something. keeps it up, lightly]

Elle: [leans into him more] Maybe I should go take a nap.

Sylar: I'll come with you. [isn't tired, but can still lay down with her]

Elle: [smiles] Mmmm... company.

Sylar: Mmhm.

Elle: [leans up and kisses him, a bit more soundly this time] 'Kay, let's go.

Sylar: [kisses her back, then pulls away a little, tugging her back towards their room]

Elle: [is tugged and walks with him]

Sylar: [pulls away when they reach the bed and lays down, stretching out. shifts over to his side after a moment so she can lay down, too]

Elle: [sooo tall, she'll climb onto the bed, moving to press her back to his chest, because bb doesn't exactly let her curl up against him very easily anymore]

Sylar: [drapes an arm over her waist, holding her close against him]

Elle: [presses one hand beneath her cheek, and the other, laces to his hand]

Sylar: [squeezes her hand a bit, pressing a kiss to her head]

Elle: [shifts in toward him and takes a nap]

[just a little lie]: rp - sylar, [just a little lie]: events

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