Testing What I Know: Chapter 11-Lucky Witnesses (continued)

Dec 11, 2009 19:40

Chapter 11-Part 1

Chapter 11- Part 2

Matt didn’t know exactly how long he had been sitting on his patch of the bench, but it was long enough to fully numb the flesh of his ass and upper thighs. Attempting to stand up proved harshly unsuccessful, and he quickly dropped back down onto the unforgiving wooden slats.

Dean seemed to find hilarity in Matt’s failure. His eyes scrunched and he clutched his stomach severely as the immature laughter infected him. Matt resisted his immediate urge to jab his elbow into Dean’s torso and give him a real reason to be clutching his stomach like that. He resisted, but just barely. Instead, he pasted an empty but appeasing smile on his face and focused his attention on the conversations within his surroundings.

As the night wore on, his friends paired up and trickled away to the more concealed corners of the park, leaving him with only Dean for company. The beer had blessed Dean with the ability to endlessly talk complete shit, and Matt’s attention waned in and out of the one-sided conversation. Any minor distraction was good enough to steal his interest.

On the other side of the clearing, some of Jason’s friends were busying themselves with transporting a sleeping kid up into an oak tree. That worked as a good distraction for all of three minutes, until the kid ruined everything by waking up. Then what looked like a fox, but turned out to be just a cat, slunk around between the parked cars. Matt’s eyes locked onto the animal and followed its trail from a distance. Until he felt a strong pressure leaning on his thigh that brought his attention back into his immediate surroundings.

Matt’s focus darted down to just above his knee, where Dean’s vice-like hand was now planted. Matt threw his questioning frown up into Dean’s face, searching for an explanation that hadn’t shown itself yet. But one glance at Dean and Matt recognised the determined lust electrifying those eyes.

Matt’s expression dropped in true astonishment. “Fuck, no...”

Dean didn’t even answer. Instead he just let out a long groan and threw his arm around the front of Matt’s head, chaining him in an effective headlock. Matt’s shocked face became muffled into Dean’s bicep as the unwanted admirer rubbed his own face into whatever of Matt’s skin he could steal access to. With a swift shift in balance, Dean swung his leg across Matt’s outstretched lap and pressed his body against Matt’s by force, trapping him against the bench.

For one split second, Matt’s body numbed under the shock, but then his brain kicked into gear again and he remembered his own strength. He tunnelled his stiff determined fingers up through the few remaining gaps between their torsos, clamped his palms on Dean’s chest and shoved firmly. The vacuum imposed between their bodies broke, as Dean staggered to his feet. But the determination still ruled in his eyes as he lunged forward once again.

This time, Matt saw it coming, and his intuition for self-protection took over as he swung out in the same moment Dean breached his personal space again; Matt’s timing was perfect. His rock of a fist collided with the bone of Dean’s unprepared jaw with enough force to direct Dean’s entire face to the ground, followed closely by his limp body.

Matt shot up into a stance and quickly began striding far away from the area surrounding the bench and the now-horizontal Dean lying beside the bench, as fast as his slightly shaky legs would allow him. The inconsiderate thud Dean had made when hitting the ground had brought attention back over to them, and now the party guests that had been closer to their corner were already walking over, fuelled by curiosity. A lot of people called after Matt as he strode away, but none of their voices offered any reason to turn back.

At first he just wanted to get away from the whole ugly situation as fast as possible, but with every step away from the scene behind him, anger rose within his chest. At Dean, at the shitness of what should have been a good night, at everything. By the time he was clear of the park and striding on residential paths once more, he had taken to kicking every trash can he passed in an effort to vent his frustrations, with his clenched fists hanging at his side threateningly.

As he crossed over to the other side of the road, another voice called out to him from somewhere on his right, but this particular voice was more convincing than any of the others had managed to be.

Matt’s head jolted around in search of the source. His feet halted in the middle of the empty road as his eyes met with the sight of Brian following Matt’s trail out of the park. The street lighting fully revealed Brian’s form and welcomed it as he came to a stop at the edge of the path, facing Matt.

“What’s up Matt?”

Matt frowned in defence. “Nothing, I’m fine!”

“Did something happen or...?”


“Then why you kickin’ shit?”

Brian smirked, but even in his angered state Matt could recognise that there was no malice behind it. He took a deep breath to level his voice as his fists fell out of their tautened state. His muscles relaxed, and he shook his head lightly as a truce to Brian.

“I was just venting, that’s all...I’m fine now”

“Good.” Without any more questioning, Brian stepped into the road and passed Matt out in getting to the other side. He strode on without checking that Matt was following, and once Matt had caught up with his pace, they walked together.

After travelling a few streets in comfortable silence, Brian asked about what direction Matt was heading in.

“Not sure. I was meant to be staying in Zack’s but I haven’t seen him for hours now so that’s probably not gonna work out...”

Brian’s eyes stayed focused downward, watching their feet travel. “Can’t you go home?”

Matt grinned sheepishly, if it weren’t for the darkness Brian would have seen him blushing. He sniffed at the collar of his shirt. “Nah, not stinkin’ of beer I can’t. My whole family’s kinda weird about it...”

Brian nodded and raised his gaze up to Matt’s face. “You can stay in mine” he stated simply.

Matt beamed sincerely.

“Thanks Brian...”

His appreciation was pacified by a nod.

“What are friends for, right?”

They walked on further, now directing their steps to Brian’s home for the night. But the air between them shifted into anxious territory. Brian’s mouth opened again, paused, and then closed a few times as if he had something he needed to say.

“But honestly, I really didn’t think the whole ‘friends’ thing would work for us...”

Matt nodded blindly.

“Look, man. I know. I mean, I was being really unfair about everything. Like, I’m a pretty stubborn guy, you know? I get an idea into my head and then it’s as if mine’s the only opinion that matters, but that’s just me being selfish, and I’m sorry to put that on you. But I’m glad we can be friends... And I’m glad that after all that self centred shit that I said to you that you still wanna be my friend, man.”

“But I don’t wanna be your friend...” Brian frowned sternly, causing Matt to become confused.

“You don’t wanna be my friend?”

Brian looked as if someone had hit his pause button. He stared blankly into Matt’s face, making sense of Matt. A disbelieving frown ran into Brian’s expression. The floodgates opened.

“No Matt, I don’t wanna be your friend. I want...” Brian’s eyes darted around their suburban surroundings for a source of inspiration “I wanna do things, with you. To you. Whatever, man. Things that friends don’t do. I want something else...”

“I mean, you’re the one who came to me, remember? You came to me, offering to be that person for me and now it’s like you’re taking it all back just ‘cause you’re getting to know me? What the fuck dude, how’s that fair?”

Matt’s expression stayed surprisingly calm, his honest eyes appraising Brian’s proposal.

So much of the things people say on a daily basis mean nothing at all. That’s why Brian could be amazed at how much difference one word could make to everything.


Brian jolted out a small nod, and then coughed as if to clear his throat from a residual embarrassment. His gaze fell back to his feet as they walked on some more.

“So, you drunk?”

Matt shook his head fanatically. “No”

Brian gave a slight nod, but Matt knew he wasn’t convinced, and Matt frowned in frustration.

“Dude, I’m not, I fuckin’ SWEAR. It’s worn off by now, alright. This is just how I look when I’m tired...“


“No, seriously man...”

“Alright!” Brian enthused, with a quiet laugh.

“Why, do I look drunk?” Matt’s hazel eyes stared into Brian questioningly. Brian stopped in his tracks.

“Nah, I just don’t want you saying tomorrow morning that I took advantage of you...”

Matt now stopped walking too. They stood on the path facing each other. “Wh-?” A confused smile settled in his features, and it stayed there as Brian walked up to him, gripped the collars of his shirt and brought their lips to meet. The first kiss only lasted a second, but Brian didn’t pull away afterwards. Instead, they stood together breathing a shared heated air.

Matt ran his tongue over his bottom lip, taking in Brian’s taste. This was the right kind of taste, and Matt immediately knew that he needed more.

He crashed his mouth into Brian’s, demanding that second kiss. Matt wrapped his arms around Brian’s waist, gripping sections of fabric on the back of Brian’s hoodie and pressing him steadfast against his own body. An exhilarating mixture of relief and unbridled lust pumped through Matt’s blood as Brian’s tongue responded by sliding into his mouth and exploring hungrily. They both wanted this.

Mouths broke apart, gasping for breath.

“Bri you can take all the advantage you want, you can have it all, I don’t even...” Matt babbled and panted through a wide smile. Now he felt intoxicated, but by Brian.

Brian pushed a brisk kiss against the side of Matt’s mouth, and then pushed away from him forcefully. He then strode off again in the direction of his house, moving much faster now and only stopping to urge Matt to follow.

“Come the fuck on then Matt! I ain’t staying out here, freezing m’ nads off all night...”

Matt’s cheeks dimpled to support the width of his smile. He broke into a light run to catch up with his intoxicator.


While turning the key in the lock, Brian hastily leant his weight against the front door to force it to open. Matt stayed standing on the porch, hands restrained to his jean pockets and swaying back and forth impatiently. Brian stumbled into the hallway, narrowly missing his father who came dashing out of the kitchen. Both Haners stood in a showdown in the hall, wearing matching guilty expressions. His father spoke first.

“You’re back early”

“Yeah I said I would be...you going out?” Brian asked, noticing his Dad was dressed up in one of his good shirts. Coupled with the hue of cologne surrounding the older man, there was no way he was all dressed up to sit at home alone for the night.

His Dad nodded unnecessarily, catching sight of a wide-eyed Matt standing on his porch. “Hello.”

Hesitantly, Matt stepped forward and offered his hand out for Mr. Haner to shake. “Nice to meet you sir, I’m Matt.”

Both Brian and his father were taken back by Matt’s unnecessary manners, and Brian grinned slightly. Mr. Haner paused for a few seconds, as he looked over Matt suspiciously, but then accepted the handshake and gave Matt an accepting pat on the shoulder. The teens silently let out a joint sigh of relief.

Brian stood out of the way of the door to let Matt walk in past him.

“Matt’s gonna stay over tonight” Brian declared, to confirm the situation for his father, who nodded accommodatingly.

“Whatever, just don’t use up all the food, alright? Brent might want some when he gets back from your Mom’s tomorrow...”

Brian’s eyes glazed out momentarily, but he pushed the sadness away and nodded obediently.

“We won’t.” Matt joined in on the nodding, wanting to look like a good houseguest.

Feeling like a successful parent, Brian’s Dad grabbed his coat down from the hook and shut the door behind him.

Brian waited until he heard the car’s engine ignite, and then grabbed Matt’s hand and tugged him up the staircase. Matt tripped over the unfamiliar steps and his own feet, having to stop himself from falling down by grabbing the banister of the stairs on more than one occasion, but eventually he made it to the top.

The bedroom door was lying wide open, inviting them in. The whole room was a quarter the size of Matt’s bedroom, so all the furniture was forced to lie close together. There was only a few feet of carpet between the doorframe and the bed frame, so they were met with the single bed as soon as they entered. Brian toppled Matt onto his mattress, shut the door over with his foot and then climbed onto Matt’s body. His face hovered inches away from Matt’s, until Matt spread his hand around into Brian’s hair and pulled his mouth down to him. Brian supported himself on his elbows, until Matt knocked his arms out of the way and crashed their bodies together, getting rid of the distance between them.

Matt’s tongue explored Brian’s mouth with a hunger he had never felt for anything else. Brian felt like he was being eaten alive, but he knew he didn’t want it to stop. He kept up with Matt’s pace, the wetness creating a thirst that couldn’t be satiated. Matt broke off from their kiss and began to remove both their clothing, starting with his own shirt and jeans.

Brian panted loudly, his mind was overwhelmed by what he wanted but his body seemed happy to take control of the situation. Up until a certain point, when Matt flipped them over so Brian was now on the bottom. Matt rose the hem of Brian’s baggy t-shirt up and tugged it off of his body, even though it was probably big enough for them both to fit in together. He then rubbed his hand down Brian’s chest, unzipped his jeans and tugged them down to Brian’s knees frantically. Quickly replacing his grip on Brian’s waist, Matt slid his right hand under the elastic band of his boxers and began to knead Brian’s testicles in his palm. Brian initially became lost in the feeling, but soon regained his ability to overthink everything and yanked Matt’s hand out of his pants.

“Wait” Brian wheezed pleadingly. Matt reluctantly dragged his own thoughts away from instinct. His eyes studied Brian’s face for an explanation for the halt, and his face fell as he recognised reluctance in Brian’s eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He demanded, fear raising in him that he had been too hasty.

“I want you...”Brian trailed off.


“No, I mean I wanna be the one who has you...Not you having me, you know?”

Matt scanned in Brian’s eyes for what the difference was, and then it dawned on him. He assured with a smile.

“Oh! Yeah that’s fine”

Brian looked doubtful “Really?”

“Yeah I’m sure, you can fuck me. I just wanna do stuff with you Brian. I don’t care how we do it...” Matt tried to smile again, but Brian kept his mouth occupied.

Matt lay down as Brian ripped their boxers off. Taking a good long moment to appreciate the sight before him, Brian kneeled between Matt’s legs and aligned himself with Matt’s body. As he got ready to push forward, Matt called out urgently as if remembering something.


Now it was Brian’s turn to pause his urges. “WHAT?”

Matt let out a sly smile. “I forgot something...”

Matt sat them up slightly, and leant down in to Brian’s crotch. Brian’s eyes sprung, from his hazy confusion, into full alert as Matt’s wet tongue slid meticulously around his penis, up and down, coating it in a shining layer of saliva. Matt then wiped his lips on his wrist and again lay back on his elbows, spreading his legs apart and scooching nearer to Brian encouragingly.

Mesmerized, Brian hooked his hand round the back of Matt’s neck and dug his throbbing dick into the hole between Matt’s legs, as Matt’s muscles flinched at the penetration.

Matt yelled out only once, as Brian pushed into him. Then as Brian pulled out, he anxiously looked down at Matt for his verdict. Matt’s breathing sounded painful, but he nodded in approval, and Brian dug in again, this time sliding into him slightly easier, as if Matt’s muscles could remember him.

Starting at his shoulder blades, Matt rubbed his hands down the full length of Brian’s back, and grabbed on his ass, pulling Brian forward, into him further. Matt’s amateur hands rubbed confidently at the taut flesh beneath his fingers, and his breath hitched in his throat as Brian began to slowly grind into him. Soon the grinding built into strong, powerful thrusts that were coming faster and faster as Brian’s instincts took him over.

As soon as he had established a steady rhythm, Brian slid one hand in between them and clasped it around Matt’s cock. He jerked it in time with his own plunges. Tension coiled in the muscles of Matt’s stomach like a spring, created by the sensations of the rivalling actions Brian was doing to him.

Brian’s desperate, rapid thrusts were in time with the pace of his wild heartbeat, possessed by the drive to completion. The space between each of his thrusts shortened until he was no longer even pulling in and out, he was just riding.

He came in convulsions inside Matt, met with the sensation of Matt’s own cum spurting on Brian’s lower abdomen, completing the whole experience. Matt’s arms fell off from Brian’s heaving body to sprawl out on the mattress as he steadied his frantic breathing. Brian collapsed on top of him with a thud. Matt’s body groaned under the equal weight and Brian rolled off obligingly, into the gap between Matt’s body and the shockingly cold wall. Brian hissed as his hot naked skin touched off the freezing surface, and Matt rolled his arm around Brian, pulling him back into the warmth of Matt’s body to recuperate.

Securely tucked in beside Matt, Brian allowed his tiredness to catch up with him and he soon fell asleep in the crook of Matt’s armpit. Matt fixed his eyes on Brian’s sleeping form, secretly committing every detail to memory. Brian’s mouth hung slightly open, his muscles were at complete peace, and Matt smiled privately to himself. Their bodies gradually cooled down from their natural high, and Matt reached down to the end of the bed, pulling the blankets over them to seal in their warmth between them.

young a7x, bratt

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