Title: Life: Unexpected 1/5
Author: not_me2010
Rating: NC-17 (Adult, explicit: sex)
Pairing: Samantha/Bobby, Samantha/John, Samantha/Dean, Samantha/others
Notes: AU, incest, D/s, pregnancy and lactation kinks, some domestic discipline, various sexual kinks, underage (girl!sam is fifteen at the start of this story)
Author Notes: okay, so this got long. As in 13,821 words long, hopefully with more to come. It's based on this prompt:
here It's AU, though not obviously so (aside from girl!Sam) in this section and I've got a bunch of background worldbuilding that supports the story. Mildly pertinent to this is that in hunter 'culture', bitch isn't necessarily derogatory, though young and stupid hunters sometimes treat it so. Young girls in hunter families, still under their father's house are called 'girl' (and non-family aren't supposed to use their names), while older girls, now under a proper master are called bitches.
"It's not exactly feminism 101," Sam said, tracing a stain on the cheap veneer plywood tabletop. John's face was red and he looked like he'd rather be eating ants than sitting and talking to her. Sam felt her own flush and averted her gaze, watching the neon light blinking outside their motel window. "N_ __cancy".
"I know," her father sighed, rubbing his face. "Lord, I know it, couldn't believe it when Mary told me what her life had been like. But hunters have been doing it for longer than women have been voting. But I -- I won't force you, Sam. I can't do that to you."
Samantha shut her eyes, throat getting tight. She had to choose. In some ways that was worse and she felt a flash of resentment at her father, not for the first time. He loved her, she knew that, as much as he loved Dean, he'd raised them both, kept them safe. Sam remembered the half-heard arguments with other hunters over the years, about her, about life on the road, about how dangerous it was for her out here. But John had held her close and raised her to be strong. Sam wanted him to be proud of her.
She searched his face. "What do you want?"
"I want you to be safe and happy, Sam," he said immediately. Unspoken but painfully there was the fact that Mary had chosen a different path than the women of her family, than the daughters of hunters should, and she'd paid a price. They all had.
"Do you think I can be happy being ... being a whore?" Sam shot back, frustrated and frightened, not sure what to do or what to say. She was fifteen dammit, and her dad was asking her to decide what to do with the rest of her life.
"You're not a whore!" John snapped. "Don't you think that, girl."
Samantha flushed at the 'girl'. Most of the other hunters wouldn't use her name, called her girl on the rare times they spoke to her at all, and it was strange to hear her dad calling her that.
He licked his lips. "And I think you can be happy," his mouth twisted in a faint smile, and Sam smiled tentatively back. "As happy as any of us in this world."
"I - okay," Sam said in a rush, before she changed her mind again. "I'll do it."
John closed his eyes with a gusting sigh, shoulders slumping in relief. He reached out, clasping Sam's hand where it rested on the table, squeezing gently, big and strong and warm. "Thank you, Sammy."
"You need to," Sam licked her lips nervously. "You need to call me girl."
John's face tightened but he nodded once, shortly. "You're right," he pushed his chair back, clearly relieved to be done with talking but stopped to bend and press a kiss to Samantha's forehead. "My good girl."
Samantha couldn't help reaching out, clutching at the heavy flannel of her father's shirt and clinging to him for a while, sniffling. Her whole life.
A week later, Dean and her dad were arguing in the front seat and Sam slouched in the back, staring at the flat, dry landscape unspooling around the Impala. They were heading to Bobby's, where Sam would have to make good on her promise.
"We should've done this years ago, Dad," Dean was saying, "The bitch -"
"Don't call her that!"
"It's what she is!"
"I'm not a bitch yet," Sam snapped, leaning forward to smack Dean. She wouldn't be a bitch, not the way hunters meant it, until Bobby took her in. "And we're doing it now, so just drop it, okay?"
Dean hunched his shoulders and Sam dropped her hand to rest on them, knowing that he was being an ass because he was afraid, just like she was. Just like her dad too, she guessed and Sam couldn't hold back her soft laugh.
"What?" Dean asked sullenly.
"The three of us," Sam snorted. "Run around killing trolls and ghosts and we're about ready to piss our pants 'cause I'm growing up."
"Trust me," John said gruffly, eyes twinkling as he caught Sam's gaze in the mirror. "There's nothing more frightening than kids growing up on you."
Sam leaned back in her seat. "I guess I'll be finding out," she whispered with a shiver.
Bobby's place was the same as ever but Samantha looked at it with new eyes. It would be her home, now and forever, and she knew some hunter women never left their home in their entire lives. Outsiders, the rubes Bobby always said with distain, didn't get it, but they weren't the ones fighting monsters - who were always trying to kill female hunters and destroy the old hunter bloodlines. Keeping their girls safe was the most important thing for any hunter. Pastor Jim and the others had bitched at John more than once about the danger he was putting Samantha in by taking her on the road with him, taking her on hunts with him. When John pulled the Impala to a halt, Sam climbed out of the car and watched Dean drag the gate shut and lock it, wondering if she'd ever see the other side of it again.
"Took you long enough," Bobby's voice made Sam jump and even John looked a little startled. Bobby didn't hunt actively anymore but no one knew his junkyard better than he did. He had a shot gun slung in his elbow and was sitting on a stack of old washing machines. "I was gettin' gray hairs waiting."
John cleared his throat. "We're here now."
The brim of Bobby's cap dipped in a slow nod and Sam straightened up as he looked over to her, biting her lip. "Good to see you, girl," he said gently.
"H-hi, Bobby." She clenched her fists in frustration when her voice came out a nervous squeak.
His mouth quirked and he jerked his head towards his old house, weather stained and full of secrets. "C'mon, I've got some iced tea and some whisky."
Sam got iced tea, Dean and Bobby and her father got whisky and she got shooed away. "Go take a gander at the library. I've got some new manuscripts on golem myths."
She knew she was being sent off so they could talk about her but there wasn't much point in arguing about it though the smug look Dean gave her - at being included with the grown men - pissed her off.
"Hey, Dean," Sam leaned back through the doorway with a bright smile and gave him the finger when he looked up. "Asshole."
"Screw you," Dean said and Bobby smacked the back of his head.
"Don't talk to a girl like that, idgit," he said. "You got to respect them otherwise you ain't never going to get laid."
"I've fucked a girl!" Dean protested.
"Only the inflatable kind." Samantha snarked as Bobby snorted out a laugh, then ducked quickly into his library to lose herself in the books for awhile. John came for her around twilight.
Life: Unexpected 2 This entry was originally posted at
http://not-me.dreamwidth.org/1235.html. Please comment there using OpenID.