(no subject)

Mar 06, 2005 00:10

*Petunia walked through the living room with her watering can. This summer was going even worse than the last, the hosepipe ban being strictly enforced. Even still, she always snuck water to keep her Zantedeschia Albo maculata healthy. A fine plant added to the immaculate room. She checked the saucer under it, just in case -- there wasn't enough spare water to let it spill through, but it didn't hurt to check. Task completed, she returned to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner. Her Diddlykins still had to stick to the horrid diet. At least the school nurse was allowing her to make him a decent meal these days, if not in the portions he deserved.

She went up to her nephew's room to make sure he came for dinner. Those strange thugs who stood up for him at the train station were sure to be after her if they kept him there, but he stayed in bed most of the time now, only leaving his room when needed. It was a bit worrying when she thought about it, but he was keeping out of Vernon's way and that was the importaint part.

Soon enough, dinner was underway. Diddykins was enjoying his meal, but Harry was picking at his food -- a bit odd, as he tended to gobble up whatever was put in front of him, as if he were constantly starved. Well, his people would take care of that when they took him back, and they couldn't say she didn't give him a good meal.

Vernon finally broke the general silence*

"Pass the brown sauce."

*It was nearest Harry. Every eye in the room was on him, as he stared blankly at a salt shaker. Vernon's voice raised, temper getting the better of him*

"Boy, I said pass the brown sauce."

*Harry started and looked up.*


"Pass the ruddy brown sauce I said!"

*Harry passed it along, looking numb all the while and then stared at the salt shaker again. Vernon eyed him beadily*

"Eat! I don't want those ruddy freaks of yours mad at us because you're thin as a rail!"

"I'm not hungry."

"I don't care if you're hungry!"

*Vernon's face started to go red with annoyance and his mustache bristled.*

"I don't want those people showing up at my house because--"

"I don't want any food." Harry was starting to get annoyed now.

"--my great idiot of a nephew is starving himself off like some ponce--"


*Every glass on the table shattered into pieces, and Harry stood up, his face still as blank as before as they all looked at him in shocked silence.*

"I'm going to my room."

*He disappeared into the hall, walking slowly. Almost mechanically -- what were they doing to him at that place?*

"A wretched nuisance, that boy is!" Vernon muttered furiously, as he stood and wiped at his shirt with a towel. "Should have left him to the streets! Got to go soak this or it'll stain."

*as Vernon walked out of the kitchen, Petunia sighed, hopes of a peaceful dinner dashed. Might as well do the whites, since his shirt needed to be taken care of. Dudley polished off his plate, only slightly dissapointed after two years not to recieve seconds. Petunia went to the hall where she had left the laundry basket of carefully folded coloureds, picking up the basket and walking through the door. With unexpected results.
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