D4 Competition... this time with pictures!!!

Jun 07, 2010 17:56

the "how it all started" blurb....

I'd been pimping getting people to do largesse for Ealdormere... so our lovely Princess Gwyneth gave me shit 'cause everytime she started someone would say "oh, we're doing stuff for Dana!". It's amazing what sort of ideas you can come up with with you're getting yelled at by Royalty ;) (in seriousness she was not yelling or mad but it makes for a better story... and really, I did want to fix it 'cause I like her and I'd seen our largesse)

so the Dirty Dozen Donation Derby was created...

affectionately known as D4 ;)

The rules are simple… so lets get to it…

--to enter the competiton you must present a dozen hand crafted items based on a common theme...

--remember that these items will be gifted as largesse... so while a dozen scissor cases would qualify a dozen hand knit socks would only be 6 largesse items. A 12 foot long piece of hand woven trim would not be suitable as an entry since it would need to be cut into 12 pieces to be available on the theme of 12 items.

--items do not need to be identical, 6 embroidered needle books and 6 embroidered scissor cases could be one entry.

--this is NOT an A&S competition... so no documentation is required! If you wish to provide it that is completely up to you

--as these items are all meant to be given as gifts NO personal heraldry. Items in Tir Righ Blue and Silver are fine and make lovely reminders for another Kingdom's interaction with our far travelling members of the populace!

--please ensure that your name and branch as well as what the item is made of is listed and tagged on each item.

--also note that group entries are allowed and encouraged... what a great way to bond with your apprentice siblings or your guild members!!!


and now.... the part that I'm sure everyone is looking forward to...


The winner of D4 will win their pick of 1 item from each of the other contestants!!!!

The winner will be decided upon by populace choice... simply vote by placing a bean in a cup in the display area for each entry.

Now I'm sure you are asking... where is this to take place?

Their Excellencies of Lions Gate have graciously agreed to allow this to take place at Sea Lion War (June 4th to 6th in the Barony of Lions Gate).

There will also be a Baronial Choice Award given to 2 competitors, one to be chosen by the Baron and Baroness of Lions Gate, Their Excellencies Griffin and Caitrin, and one to be chosen by the Baron and Baroness of Seagirt, Their Excellencies Ming and Elina. The prizes for these competitors will be their selection of one item from one of their fellow competitors!

Excited yet? Plotting your them? Mentally running through your projects stashes? I hope so… because I know that I have Her Highness, Princess Gwyenth, so excited that she was doing those exact things as I proposed the final details to her! That's right... our gracious and gentle Princess will be entering items into this competition as well...

and now the entries!!!!

Elspeth's pin cushions and needlebooks...

Eleanor's German Brick Stitched Needlebooks...

Mailie's embroidered napkins...

Kate's 14th C Sterling Silver ring brooches

Asny's lampwored beads

Fjordland's entry of leatherworked items, handbound books, and antler buttons... Sir Kerrigan did the leather, Sir Thorwulf did the buttons, and Baroness Wulfwyn did the books...

Princess Gwyneth's Girdle Books

hand bound books from some of the people that took the year long bookbinding class here in Lions Gate...

Isolde the Celt's SCA Passport books...

Lady Sage's embroidered napkins with a selection of herb seeds inside...

and my Norse Dangly Bits... I wanted to call them that but instead I called them Festoon Bits... any better suggestions??

edited to add....

the winner of the first D4 competition was Fjordland's entry!!! And while they kept the bag that Gwyneth gave them for their prizes as well as one of Eleanor's needlebooks and Kate's brooches they donated everything else back to the Principality!

Kate, who unfortunately missed the event, was Their Excellencies of Lions Gate's favorite entry choice. As she wasn't onsite she gave me the choice of prize and asked that it be donated to the Ealdoremere Bag. My selection was a pair of shoes from Fjordland's entry!

Princess Gwyneth was His Excellency of Seagirt's choice for favorite entry and she picked one of Kate's brooches as her prize.

all in all it was very well recieved, people had fun, and many people suggested that this be an annual thing!!! So I decided that each year the winner gets to host it the next year!!! Someone asked me how I'd feel about other people doing the same thing and I'm all for it!!!! Hooray for awesome largesse everywhere!!!!

largesse, makey-doey

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