Mar 04, 2005 01:51
I really don't update this thing anymore, here is what has gone on in my life within the last 2 weeks (in no particular order):
- BINGO rehearsal has been a daily occurance
- school work was all due this past week
- 1 more class until Spring Break
- going to D.C. for S.B.
- Ashley & Lauren's Birthday party, lots of drama and fun
- saw Maneval, Geroux and Valentine who I hadn't seen in so long
- 80s night is now a weekly social event
- meeting a lot of new people which is exciting
- knitting a scarf
- hanging out with "the crew"
- mom had surgery and is recovering well
- procrastinating on life
- started a semi-diet and have been drinking tons of water
Tomorrow I am going to the doctor to get my circulation problem in my finger and sore writst looked at. I also am going to get a HAIRCUT for the first time since Novemeber