John Connor: John has his hands full with a passle of canon-makes and canon-parallel mates. As Marcus noted, part of the paradox of his life is hearing all about the future and being given so little chance to concentrate on the present, but he loves Star, Derek is there to ground him, he kind of worships Kyle and Five and is trying to figure out Marcus and Alissa, ahah. He trusts and respects Data immensely. He needs more threads with those outside his canon: (Alice, Carlos... others. Tim Riggins, as odd as it sounds, is a good influence, ahaha. Harry.). I like where we are with the Terminator pups -- I think it's best if we all assume they talk all the time.
Wesley Gibson: Takes the hits and keeps on ticking. That drunk tag and getting down with Betty did him a world of good, but I'm still at a bit of a loss as to where to go with him. He'll be tangentially involved in the Harley part of the Lore plot, but pup's had such shitty luck with the ladies that I struggle with him. I love him, but it's a challenge. Battling with Kyra sounds like a fun plan.
David McGowan: Who knew this little guy would have so many friends? He's so much fun to play, honestly. I love when he weirds people out and when he doesn't. He needs to find out he's not human and deal with his fear of rejection from Tim and Jason. And just keep on trucking on with Spock and Angel and Castiel and the turtles, and...Not Vaisey, ahahah :D
Sarah Connor: I love playing her, no lie, but she is a tough, tough cookie. I love threading with muns who don't mind that she can be a total bitch (Logan, Derek, ahahah, Speirs, Marcus, etc). I want her to be more human (and womanly), still and that involves more Kyle. I think Star will help that a lot actually. A chance to start over, as it were. She needs more tags with people she doesn't know. And people she does. Another Data tag would be lovely.
Jason Street: now manages the candy store, and is very content. He needs more friends and probably to be thrust out of his comfort zone. It can get stale playing him because he's so danged polite all the time. So something to juggle him up would be a good thing. What that means, I have no clue. He and Tim are going to teach David how to swim. Cuteness ahoy!
Eric Taylor: Eric, Eric, Eric. Eric has himself tangled up with the turtles and there are days with that's a good thing and days when that's not. He's going to be taking over the Waffle Place (oh, the lulz) so he'll have a job. His crack Ninja football team is most likely not going to take off and that's all right. He needs threads with Gibbs, his wife of course. Tim and Jason, new folks and folks his age.
Aidan Spindle: Another prickly, prickly pup. I have to, to be honest, write him OOC to make threads with people more than 4 or 5 reps, ahahah, so I love writing him with people who don't mind the sullen. But yeah, he's a tough one. At the same time, I love his relationship with Harry to absurd lengths. They are bittersweetly romantic and I adore that. He should tag more with Snape and Harry's dad. And just meet other people, written by mun who don't mind that he appears not to give a crap about their pups. In the movie, he would walk away from people, not answer them, not reach out or ask questions. But he's getting better. Healing. I think he'll always be kind of a lurky pup, which is just fine too.
Shawn Farrell: Is missing Michael, who should be back soon. And he's useful in the village! Yay! And he has a couple friends! Including Allison, heee :D He's had a very unbumpy ride here in the village which has been fine as he heals and gets his gay on. But canonically, Shawn in an angsty pup, so things probably need to get shaken up with him. He needs threads with Adam Monroe and more people his age. Maybe explore his music again?
Jax Teller: has a broken hand and an f'd up relationship with Lana. At least he's true to canon! LOL. He means well and I think that comes across. But without a real purpose, he's my toughest pup to write. He's like Wesley in that he needs a reason for doing what he's doing and that's missing right now. As Lana knows all too well, he's not just going to be one to settle down. He seeks out trouble in addition to it finding him. Not sure what I'm going to do with him. Whatever it is, I'll of course talk to Lana-mun about it. Maybe threads with Dom and Letty?
At risk: Wesley and Jax
In the future: Nothing really, though I'm tempted to app
Russell from UP, but I bet he's considered a cartoon. But he'd be AWESOME FUN, ahahahha :D And I did just have the insane idea of bringing in Allison (from Palmdale), post TSCC. ahaha. Bad idea, y/n?