state 'o the pups!

Sep 30, 2009 07:57

Character: John Connor Character LJ:not_johnconnor
Canon: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
General: John is one of the easiest of my pups to play. Things are going to get tricky for him in the next few months, me thinks. We shall see!
Needs threads with: lots of people, whoever, really.

Character: Sarah Connor Character LJ:saviorsmother
Canon: Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles
General: Sarah is ... going to be involved in a plot and then there will be big changes.
Needs threads with:: Star! The Connor-Reeses, others.

Character: Wesley Gibson Character LJ:wesleys_sorry
Canon: Wanted
General: Wesley's doing really great! He's got a normal girlfriend who's awesome and his look-alike that's cracky fun.
Needs threads with: new people are always good!

Character:David McGowan LJ:the_missingone
Canon: Village of the Damned
General: David still seems to weird people out which is great for me. And he's kind of toddling along doing his own thing.
Needs threads with: Tim, Jason, Spock, Nurse Chapel, Angel.

Character: Jason Street Character LJ:texas_six
Canon: Friday Night Lights
General: Jason's dealing with being a cripple again. Poor fella. Good thing he's got Tim and David and some other friends. Ben, watch out :)
Needs threads with: his family :) new friends are always good.

Character: Coach Eric Taylor Character LJ:clreyes_fulhart
Canon: Friday Night Lights
General: I love writing him, but he's struggling without a purpose here. We'll see.
Needs threads with: Waffle Place peeps, the boys, the turtles, Cindy, Laura, anybody!

Character: Aidan Spindle Character LJ:end_them_all
Canon: From Within
General: Aidan is in a good place, too. Happy with Harry. He needs more friends.
Needs threads with: Harry, Harry's canonmates, The Terminator pups, heh. People who don't mind how strange he is.

Character: Shawn Farrell Character LJ:healing_broken
Canon: The 4400
General: Shawn's happy in his gay!love with Michael :)
Needs threads with: Michael! Adam! He needs to embrace being his age. Meet new people? Play some more. New friends!

Character: Allison Young Character LJ:from_palmdale
Canon: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
General: Allison is coming into herself. My challenge for her is to not make her wussy. That's not her at all. But I like what she's finding in herself (kinky girl! ahaha)
Needs threads with: Marcus, other Terminator pups, her girl-friends.

Character: Jax Teller Character LJ:son_ofanarchy
Canon: Sons of Anarchy
General:Jax is back! To no one's interest, LOL XD. I'm trying to be very true to canon and have him be quiet but for losing his temper in the show. But whoo what a temper. Needs to get himself a job, get his bike, make some friends. Get laid XD
Needs threads with: Carolyn, garage peeps, whoever, really.

Character: Sammy Winchester Character LJ:hell_prince
Canon: Supernatural
General: Oh, Sam. With his withdrawal headaches and his sex with Selene, he's a mess waiting to happen :D Plus the prank war and all that makes him a really fun pup to play. YAY!
Needs threads with: Dean (always), Selene, his new friends! He needs to get the comic back to Bridgette and get himself a job!


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