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Dear smibbo,
You have received an alert at MotheringDotCommunity Forums.
Reason: We are not interested in hosting discussions on the merits of crying it out, physical punishment, formula feeding, elective cesarean section, routine infant medical circumcision, or mandatory vaccinations.
I just wanted to let you know that I have removed your post in the CIO thread. We do not advocate CIO here on MDC. It is never necessary or an option. [emphasis mine]
THank you for understanding.
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Original Post: Originally Posted by smibbo
Some of us did CIO as a last resort and how in the world can possibly believe we "don't mind" hearing the baby cry? What planet are you on? It's torture! However, a few nights of hearing her cry (max 15 mins) was a lot less torture than the 16mos we spent being woken up literally 12 times a night to culminate in my getting about 2 hours of sleep per night. I was hallucinating I had such bad sleep dep. So we were supposed to just continue that lovely trend of "I won't sleep unless I'm latched on to mom's boob with my canines, scratching on her other boob all night and occasionally kicking. And I won't sleep if you try to take the boob away at all"
After 16mos of this hell, yes, we did CIO. It took about three nights. She doesn't cry anymore.
Originally Posted by chipper26
I'm sure it was torture. I saw the tortured look on my brother's face as he let his ds CIO. I think a huge problem with CIO is that it is such a popular method and definitely NOT a last resort for many, many parents. I'm sure you've heard of or read about the "turn off the monitor " or "take a shower so you can't hear the crying" advice. Basically advise to desensitize and distance a mom from their child.
It is also done at ages much younger than 16 months. My ped, recommended it when dd was both 2 and 4 months. Many people do not try other methods and most don't last BFing until 16 months, especially through the night. Their tolerance for night waking is much lower and society says thats okay.
I'm not advocating CIO, but I bet your 16 month old was also better able to understand that mommy loved her and was coming back. Plus, there was already a strong attachment formed.
Originally Posted by smibbo
I have no idea if "most" people do it as a last resort or if they just simply know in their gut that their child won't work it any other way or if they're just insensitive buttheads who don't care about their children's crying. I tend to give benefit of the doubt to parents though.
Most mothers aren't SAHM's either. Most of them have to go back to work within a month or two and can't afford to go sleepless night after wrenching night for 16mos. I give them understanding for their predicament.
With my oldest son we did CIO at 14mos and with my two subsequent sons we didn't have to CIO because they each were thrilled to go to bed with their big brother.
Frankly I wish we hadn't waited so long to CIO. I wish we had done it a lot sooner. I think about all the days I spent in a sleep-dep haze with my daughter wanting nothing more than for her to fall asleep so I could too and maybe wake up refreshed and enjoy her more.