New Find

May 22, 2007 10:17

Last night I found a camera under my bed... This kinda made me happy.

Thought I'd try it out.

Seems to work alright... So, this is what my room looks like. Sort of messy... Um... Yeah.

Strange, it was all laid out like this when I arrived... Like it was made for me.

So... I feel really strange here, I always feel like I'm being watched, just like in 302.

Not really... ... ... communicated with anyone yet, heh, funny I guess. The only person I really seem to talk to is Walter. How ironic. Can't believe it didn't work, weird... I kind of feel bad for him. I don't think anyone here really understand what he went through... Ah, not that I do either. Wish House and all that... Well, it's not likely I'll ever understand anyway, it's not like I can ask him. He'd just probably attack me.

Perhaps... I should make more of an effort here. I... wonder if anyone would want to be friends with me.

It'd be nice to talk about photos, cars or... something with someone, I don't even have any magazines or a working tv.

[OOC: Found this photo on google, it's not mine! Don't sue me, ktnxbye.]


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