Weather or Not....

Apr 13, 2011 10:32

Wow, we've had some interesting weather extremes the past two weeks; day time temperatures in the 80's, then dropping again to the 40's at night. One night last week there was a heavy, low cloud cover with lightning above the clouds -- looked just like the scenes in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' where the clouds come boiling in to camoflage the Mothership, and the little ships flashing around and all you can really see are the lights. So cool! (of course that was before the hail and showed up and the tornado sirens went off)

Then Sunday night we had wind and rain, and Monday morning I looked out the back door to find out what Jetho was all worked up about and saw that a trampoline set from three yards down the block had been blown into the next door neighbor's yard! Oddly enough, the TV news weatherpeople were claiming there was NO overnight precipitation ??? Well, maybe not on THEIR side of the river.... Chicago and Northern Indiana have the 'Lake Effect', we have the 'River Effect', which somehow results in us missing a lot of otherwise nasty weather; but when it DOES hit us, it hits HARD.

Rabbits. We saw very few rabbits last year and the year before (figured the neighborhood cats got to them), but this spring, they're everywhere, and poor Jethro is going BONKERS.... 'Mom, it's a rabbit! I want the rabbit, Mom!' and Bel is all, 'shut UP, dude,you're embarressing me, it's just a freakin' rabbit...'

weather, rabbits

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