More Fun with Insurance - Mostly Good, But Might Need to Ration My Meds

May 06, 2021 08:29

Thanks to President Biden and the increased assistance with 'marketplace' insurance, I can now actually afford the plan that will allow me to keep my doctor (without paying extra) and ALL of my medications are covered (although the co-pay will still be a bit steep). It's about $75 cheaper than the plan I originally opted for as being within my budget, so that's a WIN! On the downside, I'm about to run out of Losartan, and the plan is still processing. So either I ration for the next two weeks, or borrow from my Husband (we take the same dosage). Normally, this wouldn't be too much hassle, but on the 13th Mom and I are leaving for Oklahoma for Da Nephew's graduation ceremony from OU. and I will not have internet access to place a prescription refill order or be present to receive said prescription order. *SIGH*

Everyone in the immediate family who will be there (in Oklahoma) has been fully vaccinated -- there WILL BE HUGGING!!!!

insurance, family. medications

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