Apologies.... (for long absence and even longer post!)

Sep 30, 2004 21:42

Firstly, many many apologies for not posting for ages.

Have been at home (parents place) for the holidays (last 3 months) and this has meant going back onto a very very slow dial up connection AND having my dad breathing down my neck not allowing me more than 10minutes online!! Though to be honest, even if I had have had time, there wouldnt have been much to write about. Very boring holiday :(. Spent time looking for jobs, being a student and chronically poor, it would have been useful. Unfortunately due to living in a town with loads of students I couldnt find one. Hence am still very very poor. Nothing much else happened, spent a couple of weekends up at piphil's, basically lazing around. Thats one thing I found difficult about the holidays; having spent the majority of last term with him, suddenly I'm by myself. Was'nt wonderful, I can tell you. On an up note though, was really good to see some of my home mates again. Had a kind of house party thing when the parents were away. That was amusing. Had mine and my brother's (not_brain) friends there and turned vaguely chaotic! The rest of the time I spent with the horses, or just sitting around reading. Did work a bit with my dad, but not much. Wasnt the best idea, as it was VERY hot and gardening in that weather is exhausting!

Got back to uni last monday, still havn't unpacked. Have got a rather annoying situation atm. Am trying to move house as I cant afford the rent anymore, and its been a bit more difficult than expected. Firstly if you try and put posters up at uni advertising a room, they just take them down. Its also the wrong time to get rid of rooms, as people are already housed. I REALLY need to get out though as have got less student loan this year, and the rent sky rocketed. :( Stress stress and more stress!

This is my last year, so as well as trying to cope with a rather heavy workload, am also having to start thinking about looking for a job. This means graduate fairs, careers talks etc. Wouldnt mind this really, but dont feel ready to go out into the real world! As I havent done as well as I'd like the last couple of years, am feeling the pressure to really push it this year, which means lots more work and slightly more stress. This I dont cope well with, just ask piphil!

Apologise for the rather long and incoherant post. I did start off knowing what I wanted to say but it kinda spiralled off out of control! Will try and write more soon, but I find it hard to put things down in words. :P
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