"I don't think that the two of you should be going off to fight all of those demons alone. I mean, Spike, you saw them. There are too many. Maybe you can call Giles, Faith?" I looked at Buffy too. "Maybe you guys can convince Giles to send in more slayers? This is a slayer type of problem. I would fight them right now if I could, but we all know
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Hey, at least there was someone.
We were walkin' out in the rain, and I saw that there wasn't a demon in sight. I kinda figured as much. I heard some sounds in the distance, and I saw that there was a path of destruction that was completely obvious to the naked eye. When I turned my head, I saw that Blondie was lookin' right at my neck. Didn't know why, but I gave him quite a mean look as if to saw, get your fuckin' eyes off me, buddy.
My blood was pumpin', and I was feelin' myself gettin' stronger by the second, everytime I brought myself back to that alleyway, and seein' the death of potential friends. I knew that this was a factor of life, but I never fuckin' said that it was easy, or it was wrong to invoke some revenge... and I never would either, contrary to B.
"So, how's Principal Wood? Does he still hate me in a try to kill me sort of sodding way, or is he over that now?"
I looked at him, and smiled, because I wasn't one to do a solmn talk around anyone, and especially around Spike. Me an' him bonded pretty well in ol SD, we were alike in a lot of ways.
I kept walking and smiled thinkin' about Wood, and what I felt for him.
"Wouldn't know. He's dead."
I kept walkin', but we slowed down a considerable bit.
"Vampire, couple months ago."
Didn't know quite what to say to that.
"Vampire, couple months ago."
Definitely didn't know what to say to that, now. "Oh."
Good answer, Spike. Really smooth. I mean, couldn't exacly shed a tear for him, or at least wouldn't have last year when he was trying to kill me and knew that he hated me, but it wasn't completely unexpected. Had killed his slaya mother, and now, was walking with a slaya, who, even being Faith, queen of move on from trucker to biker, bint, had to feel bad about it.
Kinda hit me as sad, right now. Was a good thing, because it wasn't the time for me to be my usual, say what's on my bloody mind self. Wood reminded me a lot of Gunn, except that he wasn't as tough, although he could hold his own, and he was a lot more self-righteous then Gunn was.
I missed Gunn, now. Was odd. Never missed people in my time, except for Buffy before I had attained the soul, and now, it was odd how the deaths that I had savagely brought to people in the past didn't bother me like they did Angel, but Gunn, Cordelia, Fred, Wesley and even Illyria and now Wood, really bothered me.
I found myself moving faster, the demons swath of dead bodies irritating me, and their sounds becoming unmistakable. Had let those sods kill Gunn and I could have prevented it, they had killed Illyria and if I had made different moves, tried something different, then I could have saved them. The blood was rushing throughout my body, warm, adrenaline on fire inside of me, the blood really rushing to my sack, making me want to fight, or shag, and I was leaning towards a fight. Had to avenge those ugly, disheveled, smelly ponces where they stood.
"Sorry about Wood, Faith. May have tried to kill me, but I deserved that. He was a warrior."
Yeah, well. Everyone's gotta die sometime. I couldn't keep beatin' myself up over it. Especially since, I was still livin' he wasn't. I guess it was just his time. Everyone's gotta have a time. I didn't know why I had smirked at his answer. Maybe because he was feelin' sorta bad about the whole thing. Maybe because he was a vamp, and the whole soul thing was somethin' that the old me would just love to take advantage of.
We started walkin' faster, which of course didn't bother me. I wanted a cigarette so badly though. My blood was itchin' for it, I wanted that tingle feelin' before I took out everything I'd been holdin' back for the last few months on those fuckin' demons that killed everyone.
"Sorry about Wood, Faith. May have tried to kill me, but I deserved that. He was a warrior."
Didn't really wanna keep talkin' about huim anymore. Just wanted to forget some things, most things, and reminisce when I felt like it. Didn't feel like it now. Now, I wanted to kill somethin'. I'm a slayer, it's my favorite thing to do.
"Was his time. I shoulda been there when it happened, but maybe those people are right. Everythin' happens for a reason. Or maybe it's just bullshit. Who knows, it's over now."
We were gettin' closer, and the tinglin' feeling of my need for a cigarette was losin' beginnin' to get weaker compared to my need to get my hands in some fightin'.
"Whatya say we start killin these fuckers."
Snickered a bit, but not to be a smartass and not to run salt in her wounds. Just struck me as sodding bullshit. "His mother was a slaya. She died barely younger then he was. Way I figure it, his time was a long way up the road. After what his life became, because of me, he should have had everything. Slaya girlfriend, littel rugrats and piles of money. May not have liked me much, but I believe that he deserved that. Only reason that he isn't here is because of something like me. Problem with him was, he thought that he was too good. Probably got all cocky, Thought that he could kill me and being your boyfriend, bet that he thought that his skills exceeded the levels that they were actually at..."
Realized that I was yammering on about something that she probably didn't want to talk about, it just hit me as another bad loss for the good guys in a time of that, and I was starting to get like Angel. Next thing I knew, I was going to have a bleeding scowl plaster on my forehead. Thank god my forehead wasn't as big as his.
The demons were coming up fast and Faith and I made time, my injuries masked by a desire to make these demons pay with their sodding immortality. All of these demons.
"Whatya say we start killin' these fuckers."
"Bloody well works for me, slaya, but stick together. Was fighting with a former god back in that alley and watched her die like butter. Together, we can take a lot of them down. Apart, we are looking at sodding ten on one's and I don't want to see anyone else sodding dead...Don't want to see you dead, Faith. Death doesn't look good on most of us."
Demons saw us coming and I noticed Faith preparing for battle. Bloody well did the same as they flanked us.
I thought about that for a minute, and was about to knock him on the side of the head. I didn't want to talk about it anymore, and addin' to the fact that he was tellin' me the stuff that I didn't want to hear was really startin' to piss me off. I had been tellin' myself this shit since he died, because I was never one to break down and cry about this stuff. I'm stronger than that. I have always been stronger than that. I didn't cry. At least not in front of people. I'll be damned if I was ever gonna' do that. I didn't care about anyone else enough to show that I had a soft side. Never have before never gonna'.
Wood an I talked about this before, the boyfriend girlfriend stance. He tried to hold my hand once, and I freaked. I never really did the boyfriend thing. It was fuck here, leave a month later. He wasn't down with that. I never called him my boyfriend though. Hearin' that word out of Spikes mouth was somethin' like crazy talk.
"Bloody well works for me, slaya, but stick together. Was fighting with a former god back in that alley and watched her die like butter. Together, we can take a lot of them down. Apart, we are looking at sodding ten on one's and I don't want to see anyone else sodding dead...Don't want to see you dead, Faith. Death doesn't look good on most of us."
I saw them comin' for us, probably smellin' my blood. I was already ready to kick some demon ass, and so was Spike. I looked toward them all an' tried to get a number in my head. Ah- what the hell, it didn't even matter.
"You got it, Spike. I work better alone, but I'll keep an eye on ya for B'."
I had to throw that one in. As soon as I finished speakin', there were demons around us. Fuckin' hungry. I was lovin' the sword I grabbed from the hotel right bout now.
Had the feeling that she was angry with me. Saw it in her face when I had talked about Wood. But, knew that at this very moment, anger was what would keep her alive. Knew that she had it and these demons were about to find out what a real demon was.
Thought about everyone dead. Thought about Buffy back at the hotel with Captain Forehead, and raised my sword. "Remember, stick close to me and never keep your back uncovered. These are sodding demons. They take cheap shots with the best of them. With your back to me and my back to you, nobody will be able to hit us sodding from behind."
Here I was, the voice of reason, as the rogue slaya went all desert storm on the demons. Didn't wait for me, didn't wait for my backup, but she damned well was going to get it, whether she liked it or not.
Screamed an unintelligle nouise and started slicing and dicing, feeling Buffy's blood in me and then thinking about her being with Angel. Didn't know how I had the strength after being hurt so bad to swing so fast, but after a minute, I hadn't thrown a punch or a kick, but I had ten demons or sodding more, sliced and sodding dead on the ground below me.
Looked towards Faith, only she was using her feet and her sword. Until a vampire got a hold of the sword and an Irrigorite demon started to go for her neck. They didn't want blood. Irrigorite's wanted flesh, and wasn't happening. Not today. Soared through the air, my sword swinging at it's neck, and as it looked up at me and away from the slaya, he lost his head for fighting.
"What in the bloody hell happened to the two of us bloody well working together. You were nearly lunch to a bleeding irrigorite!"
There were more of them where the one that I just killed came from. "Faith, know you fought the uber vamps and all, but these demons are different. They aren't seething with rage. They're more calculating, and if you notice, other's aren't bothering with us, and are trying to increase the bleeding human body count. We can't bloody well save humans if we are say, dead."
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