Jan 04, 2011 23:50
Jan 3: Brother-Sister Bonding. Eric and I basically just ran around and did nothing and made so not PC jokes and it was a blast.
Today: I cleaned started to clean my room and realized I have way too much shit. So I started a pile for Freecycle, threw out some stuff and made a pile of books to *sniffle* to sell. Also, Goodwill clothes. I do have a fuzzy sweater that I quite adore though, so even though it is huge and doesn't quite fit right I wore it to tutoring.
Which brings me to Sister Vera. I luuurv nuns, I really do. They are kind, fun, a little bit mischievious and very genuine people. Sister Vera runs the WORD program at Sacred Heart, where I volunteer tutoring kids. Without her the program wouldn't exist and a lot of these kids would miss out on the fundamental building blocks that they'll need in high-school if they want to go to college--considering the large amount of hispanic kids, missing out in elementary education would lead to huge inequalities. Sister Vera is great, so she gets today's honor.
EDIT: Which she gets to share with this quote:
May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
-Neil Gaiman
It's awesome, it's going in the book