I just remembered that Dreamwidth HAS A BOX FOR WHAT MUSIC YOU'RE LISTENING TO

Apr 13, 2020 12:43

MUSIC TIME! Man, I remember when I used to have an actual routine going for this, back in't day.

  • Zealot by Gemini Syndrome - I don't know who needs angry music about blind faith right now, but here you go mate, got you covered!
  • Shut Up and Dance (acapella cover) by Jonathan Young - I'm like 97% certain that somem of this is autotuned to the right pitch, but it's not a bad cover!
  • I Found a Girl by The Vamps, ft. Omi - Real talk, the thing that pisses me off about The Vamps is that they have very catchy songs that have the most fuckboi lyrics of all time. This one is "Holy shit, lesbians exist! And can have male friends! Even though they're hot!" Worth watching at least once for the adorable baby queers though.
  • Cake by the Ocean by DNCE - I permanently associate this song with Uncharted because of one of those taunt dance videos that were popular a while back. If I ever write the Uncharted college AU I threatened to, this is going on the soundtrack.
  • No Roots by Alice Merton - I like this song, but it could really do without "g**sy" being a main part of the chorus.
  • Die By the Blade by Beast in Black - Lex sent me this song explicitly and specifically because it's the song for my ships. ESPECIALLY my Fate ships. CALLED OUT BY MY OWN HUSBAND, WHAT IS THIS.
  • Dogs of War by AC/DC - ... Speaking of my Fate ships, this is on Lex's Fate/Stay Night playlists as his song for the Archer/Lancer fight near the beginning, and I'm just like "Yes, but also it is my shipping song now." This is why I keep getting called out, isn't it?


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