I have read A LOT of dubious smut today, even for me

Mar 24, 2020 22:59

Day three of work from home! ... I did in fact get up before 6:30, because apparently this is apparently who I am now! Got up, tidied up a little bit, watched some Baccano with Mike, remembered to put the dishwasher on and forgot to put the laundry on. Today was going to be a day for writing reaction shots, and that's gone... Variably? Good at sitting, bad at concentrating, which, y'know, makes sense. I briefly tried out setting my keyboard to the Colemak layout, because I'm an old lady with old lady wrists, but I wasn't instantly typing at lightning speed which obviously means it's terrible and I can never do it again.

Day four of working from home: ... I did no work, I did none of the admin stuff I wanted to, I built myself a trash nest on the sofa and spent the day playing Epistory/reading The Untamed fic/making chocolate fairy cakes and mint chocolate ganache. Anxiety didn't even squeak at me, because quite frankly the country being put into lockdown is a pretty good reason to take a day off. Oh! And I remembered to ring up the mental health team and be like "Soooooooooo how does getting non-life-saving meds work in a lockdown? Literally asking for my friends, because I don't think ANYONE wants to spend lockdown with me after my ADHD meds run out." (The answer is that I can still pick up my prescription as long as I'm not symptomatic, so all I need to do is find out whether Boots are keeping my meds stocked.)

I still don't know how I feel about Epistory, even though I've completed it. It's a typing game; you wander around a fantasy world that narrates a story to you, and make things grow/defeat monsters by aggressively typing words at them. And it was exactly what I wanted it to be! Something short that required a mild amount of focus and zero emotional investment! A bit buggy, with some weird typos, but honestly it let me sent the language to English (UK) rather than English (US) which saved me from Zs coming along in the middle of words to steal my lunch money so I'll take it. The story is... Also exactly what I expected, which was "piecing together a young woman's past from the collectables and the metaphors that the narration uses to avoid saying, for example, that academia is a hellscape." But I finished that, and I finished the current early access version of Nanotale (which is ALSO a typing game about wandering around a fantasy world), so now I'm squinting at lists for what else I might like that requires no emotional investment. I have books and shows and games that I do care about, but I'm working my way up to them.

Apart from that, my plan for tomorrow is catch up on slack/twitter/discord. Like, that's it. That is the only thing that I'm putting on my to-do list. I maybe want to fiddle with diary some more and make eighteen thousand lists, but honestly I'm just writing March off as a loss and I'll worry about to-do lists later.Be safe everyone, I hope you're all okay!

reaction shot, rl: panic! at the pandemic

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