I forgot that DW has the "Current music" box!

Dec 08, 2019 19:05

  • Tomorrow, Tonks and I are going to sit down together and motivate each other to do our taxes! Which is gonna be a pain in the arse because doing ~finances~ spikes my anxiety! Hence the sitting together to do the thing. ... And I need to actually check I have all of my freelancing money stuff together, augh. (I know, I know, the American tax system is even more opaque and painful, but also I live in England so I've spent most of my adult life not having to engage with tax paperwork in any way. Ugh.)
  • I'm going to ascribe the feeling that I want to quit my job and live under the sofa eating biscuits while I write reviews to ADHD and unexpected shark week, because it's almost certainly that. Or maybe because it's winter! Either way, I am not going to impulsively quit my job and live on Lex's kindness, that would be silly.
  • I have SO MANY PARCELS to ship out, which I'm a little excited for! I need to write some cards to go into them, but hopefully I can throw them all into the post tomorrow! I've managed to find all of the free stamps Lex's job sends him each year for Christmas (I don't know why either), so I'm sorely tempted to just weigh them at the post office and then LIBERALLY APPLY FREE STAMPS.
  • How many people are making their potential goals/resolutions for 2020 and making hindsight jokes?
  • I didn't actually manage to finish all of the quests for the 4tw meteor event, but that's fine! They're doing some mini-events as a sort of... Mop-up thing? So I can finish off any of the quests that don't involve aliens, which gives me a bit more leeway. But I really like reading their plans for the site in the future, because they make me feel... Kinda hopeful?
  • Speaking of hopeful, I'm ALMOST done with the body of this Hoppity rabbit I'm making for the kid Jill looks after! I cocked it up EPICALLY in the middle, because counting stitches is for people with an attention span, so it ended up with way too many stitches? But I think I've managed to increment the emergency decreases in such a way that it doesn't look too much like an egg. Now I just need to get back into the Danger Cupboard in mine and Lex's room to find the stuffing for it...
  • Did I tell you that Jill has taken my role as "person who is working more jobs than they physically have time for"? Because she HAS and I'm enjoying the moral high ground immensely! ... Oh my god why are we both so bad at work-life balance and why is Universal Basic Income not a thing.
  • We got the slow cooker and the rice cooker out of the storage unit and this weekend Lex is making stew! IT HAS BEEN SO LONG.
  • It's winter in England, so it's dark and windy. And some part of our back gate has broken so it won't stay closed anymore. Which means that periodically the gate just crashes into the side of the house and shits me up.
  • I feel... Intensely guilty about everything right now, because I feel like I'm not being the creator or the friend that I want to be. I'm not saying this to fish for reassurance, I'm saying this as an "I know that I wildly overestimate how much work I can do and have trouble keeping friendships going" thing. This is just a note that I'm aware that it's a problem, and it's one I'm going to take steps to change.
  • Is anyone else thinking about new year's resolutions and stuff? Because part of me is like "But lists and planning are GREAT and I could start doing things now and start pulling together next year!" and just... No brain. That is a trap. I know it's a trap, because I'm either going to plan something perfectly and throw it over on the first of January because I thought about it too long and psyched myself out, or I'm going to plan an entire year and forget that the ADHD means that I have trouble accepting next Thursday will exist, let alone next December. Maybe I need some advice. >_>
  • Right! ALL OF THAT ASIDE, I have words to write and projects to blitz, so I'm gonna head out. I believe in you all, and I think you rock. Be safe! ♥

hobbies: punching myself with wool, friends romans countrymen, rl: sheriff joke here, rl: ghost in your brain do meth about it, rl: here to do the devil's work

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