Hearing, Sight, Taste, Touch, and Smell. Which would be the worst one for you to lose and why?

Mar 06, 2004 22:30

I've been thinking about this. Which sense I could lose and be, what, less broken up about? That's hard to think about. I mean, really. It's part of you. And I suppose that I'd give up taste most willingly because food is really, well, food. It's nutrition.

I'd hate to lose touch the most. I think, at least. Because losing touch would take away everything. You could never obtain the things you desired. You could see a flower and pick it and it would be yours but you wouldn't have the satisfaction of feeling it. You could take a shower but you wouldn't feel water running down your back. You could meet the most beautiful person you've ever known and touch them, kiss them, and feel nothing. How could you live that way? I couldn't. I couldn't not feel sensation, it would just get to me. The entire world would be intangible.

Besides that, it would be the most physically dangerous. You couldn't feel pain. You can learn to hear a car even if you can't see it but if you can't feel, you don't know when something is wrong. You could step on a nail and not know until you SAW yourself bleeding, you could put your hand on a hot stove and have serious burns before you realized something was off. It would be hard to learn to look and listen for danger constantly because you'd have no other way to cope. I just think that touch is the most valuable of the senses.
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