Dec 12, 2007 06:11
His child set up in his classes and his schedule set, Seth took a seat in one of the many coffee houses around Central Park, to begin writing his first casual report n the immortal he had been given charge of. It still bothered him that these immortals should need watching, the headhunters were not any worse than the average serial killer and the rest minded their own ( that he knew of) business. They ate, slept, watched telly, fought, married and divorced just like everyone else. Some even adopted children, paid taxes (when they felt like it), fought for their chosen country, etcetera, etcetera. The list went on indefinitely.
Some were real characters and apparently, his new charge was quite the personality.
...I must say, to remain objective, refraining from moral judgment, will be quite a task.
Tea, as he likes to call himself, is quite the hyperactive young immortal. It’s no wonder that he’s had to achieve eighteen kills in such a short time - very few swift and clean, though he is still learning. This is just from information that I have gathered from the watcher in charge of first finding him. The headhunters can sniff him out a mile away or so it seems, but that is slowly changing. His teacher, a right piece of work himself, is reining him in to lay low around the older immortals. A good thing too, as I see here in the list of contacts, he had a run in with one named Stelios and the infamous newly renamed Robert Grayson.
There have been others he has made contact with, as he resides several days of the week, inside Confessions. It is Holy ground right and proper even though it is a nightclub. On that note, I cannot begin to tell just how many watchers, are hanging around that place in the last few days. Must be the rumored death of two immortals by non-immortal means.
Back to Terrence: He is loud and quite morally ambiguous but he is not evil, that I can tell. Though he could turn one way or the other when provoked, depending upon who is doing the provoking. A self proclaimed part time pimp, a thief, raised by a lesbian pimp himself, he has a strange attitude about those he steals from and those he takes under his wing (the birds that is …some blokes too). He cannot stay still when outside the club or his apartment in Brooklyn. I am afraid I may have to bulk up on carbs just to keep up.
Moreover, does he ever stop ‘hooking up’ as some New Yorkers say? All that sex must get boring after awhile.
There was more to be written and this would be edited for general structure and grammar, but he had made progress. Besides, it was time to move. The young immortal had finished talking his way out of a ticket outside the club and was about to take off again.
new york,