Nov 11, 2007 17:48
Name: Seth Edwards
Fandom: Oc-Highlander
Word Count 194
Topic: h. I'm not concerned about all hell breaking loose, but that a PART of hell will break loose... it'll be much harder to detect.
No, a million times no, he kept telling them. He loved his job that they had so thoughtfully worked out for him, but he would not become a full on watcher. It was too raw, his wife having died in the line of duty. He knew what they were and that was all well and good, but there were many other reasons for declining, than just the death of his wife or the loss of the baby boy that he came this close to adopting at their behest.
A year later, when he finally relented, Seth barely noticed that tiny faction of Hell that was breaking loose and going to come up and bite him on the arse some day, for accepting their offer of becoming a watcher.
He was simply too tired to care anymore.
“Oooh, you got one just like mommy did!” The tiny fraction of Hell looming over Seth got that much more visible. His five and a half year old son grabbed his wrist excitedly. Donald had no idea what the tattoo meant, only that mommy had one on her wrist as well. He resented getting that tattoo; said it wasn’t necessary, yet the Watchers insisted.