Jul 12, 2006 19:13
...about Liir Thropp.
Granted, these are only true as long as they may be true; Liir's not exactly a figure of stability. Most of these, however, are things that tend to stay the same.
1. He never smokes cigarettes. He carries them around at all times and he will light them, but he never actually puts them to his lips and inhales unless he's in the worst of places or the worst of moods. Mostly, he lights them and leaves them burn in an ashtray as he watches the smoke.
2. Liir is painfully claustrophobic. He cannot be put into an enclosed place, an especially dark place, or someplace where he isn't aware of an exit. Walking down to Southstairs wasn't bad only because they kept moving and because of the torch light.
3. You know how it is when you've just seen something too bright to look at and you close your eyes and there are bright shapes? For Liir? It's always like that.
4. Liir loves Trism. It's very uncomplicated. He likes it that way.
5. On occasion, objects talk to him. He never says anything about it. They used to do it more when he was younger, but after a while, it seemed as if people just thought he was being funny and he never mentioned it again. Now he ignores it if he can. The problem with inanimate objects telling you things is that they're still inanimate; the conversation never really gets very interesting.
6. Liir loves Candle. He knows he loves her, but the love tends to fluctuate between a strange sort of familial love, a love born of debt, romantic love, lust, and a love of her skill with the domingon. As such, his feelings for her always vaguely feel as if he's doing something wrong.
7. There is a fishbowl filled 3/4 of the way with water in his room at all times. There is no fish in it. There never is.
8. Liir is a dog person.
9. Liir will not sit in a tub to take a bath. If he's cleaning himself, he'll only use running water of one type or another. If he has to do so in a bath, he keeps his head well above the water, never submerges, and tries to move himself around enough to keep the water moving.
10. If he is in a tub full of water and he's not doing the above, he's not there for a bath. Trism will also be busy at the time and utterly unaware of whatever he might be doing.