Any idiot worth mentioning can pretty much guess it by now: don't eat any fucking cherries. It makes you do weird shit.
This could be a new perminent thing, or a curse, so really, watch yourself. Throw out those fruit salads. You get the drill.
[Private to Self | | Hackable]
Situation 'A':
Not alright, but it doesn't look like anything can be changed; By me or others? Prepair: Get ready, in case of: Emergency? Problems? Chances? Very likely. Alright.
Note to self:
Birthday coming up. Work on that.
Also? Think about cutting hair.
[/Private to Self | | Hackable]
[ooc Hackable, not very, but still. Cal isn't really a very introspective kinda guy, I can only see him doing 'private to self' kinda stuff in the form of notes and reminders. Thus, it's written in shorthand, he was a deticated college student, remember, that takes writing lotsa notes. And yes, his birthday's in July.]