(no subject)

Dec 07, 2006 21:47

Strange people are attracted to us.

Yesterday.. after my writing workshop.. Jen and I made our way back to the train station where we were approached by this middle-aged looking scouse. He smelt of alcohol and appeared somewhat 'special'.

He wanted our help locating his train.. so we politely showed him the way to go, thinking he would leave us alone.
But nay.
He was so touched at us helping him out, he offered to buy us coffee - which we had to turn down about 20 times. Then he told us some story about a christmas tree.. that I couldn't quite make sense of, so I just smiled and nodded politely.
This was preceded by him reassuring us that he wasn't mad and that he wasn't going to mug us - because apparently everyone else seems to think that's what he's going to do - And his way of proving this to us was by pulling out the LARGEST wad of cash I've ever seen out of his pocket.. And I'm not joking.. It was fucking large.
He said something about having thirty grand on him. It was a reasonable amount to say having seen the money in his pocket.
He shook each of out hands 20+ times.. admired my rings an awful lot.. which scared me.. Showed us scars from when he tried suicide.. They too scared me.. Then left us.. Not without telling us though that if we were on the same train he'd have given us gifts.. God damn.

It was the strangest 10 minutes I've had in a long while.
Pleasant, none the less.
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