Oct 12, 2009 11:57
I took the long weekend the government granted this weekend, which is a bit of a first. I spent friday tidying and houseworking and beginning the frame for the new mazzanine in the shed.
Saturday found me with the beginnings of a total spasm in the right side of my neck, which behaved until about 10am and then went completely at the yankee auction (6 washing machines, and a heap of fowlers vacola gear). With a heap of help from friends we had the mezzanine in and doen before the event saturday night.
Sunday the boys moved pretty much everything of weight into the mezzanine. Which leaves just a few basic bits and pieces, which will be removed once I've constructed the new steel shelves. This will mean the shed floor will clear up and allow heavy training to recommence, and the joinery for the laundry to begin.
I'm stuck behind my desk now, with panadol and voltaren, which is helping. can't wait till it clears completely.