After a very big year, work and life wise, and Xmas, and running 12th Night, I am very very tired, but I have a paid idle morning so I thought I'd do a recap of the bits that are in my brain ATM....
The weekend just passed and the couple of days before it, saw me picking up many many plums, about 120kg of overripe (translucent skin soft and ready to pop), about 12 kg of ripe (powdery skin and firm, but not hard), and 8kg odd of slightly underripe.
The overrripe ones will be goign to wine, once I make a
fruit press, to process them. Probably straight after CF.
The ripe ones have been going to sauce and pickling. 14 x #27 Fowlers jars of pickled plums, and 10 odd good sized jars of sauce.
Another post CF project will be a
Cider press for processing windfall apples....
The weekend also saw the collection of about 300 bricks, budget, barely. 4 Star droppers, a bed frame with the springs still on (far stretching skins), some timber, two commercial pie trays (short about 6 inserts, but meh, at the price).
Also put the gutters up on the north side of the shed and the down pipe to service them. Prick of a job.
The weekend before was 12th Night, which went well.
The food was fantastic and remarked upon continuously. The coronation itself was fun. And watching our plough make a furrow was an incredible experience.
As events go, it was pretty darn simple, and relaxed, which was pretty much all we were aiming for.
Our goal of making the coronation as easy for both sets of royalty as possible was acheived in spades.
Before that there was a christmas, which was pleasantly dull, and the busiest hardest working year I've ever had.
Wouldn't be dead for quids.