Arms Hotel - Room 312 - Insanely Super Early Thursday Morning

Feb 07, 2008 14:43

Renee was sound asleep.

Renee might have been doing something akin to snuggling with Faith in her sleep. Of course, she could always hope that two naked women distracted the squirrels so that fact wasn't important.

It had been a very busy night with Faith, so you could excuse her if she was sleeping terribly sound for a change.

[[Slayer modded ( Read more... )

shooting things, ass kicking time, dude where's your face?, i hate intruders, mmm relaxing, faith, arms hotel room 312

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neverfaithful February 7 2008, 20:55:44 UTC
Faith wriggled closer, not wanting to wake up yet. Long day. Lots of talking about shit that made her feel all drained. Kinda made her feel glad Renee was there, and not just for the hot sex. Kinda nice being curled up like this. Fuck, that sounded mushy. Renee'd kick her ass.

She shifted in her sleep, pulling the covers, and then slipped back into a doze.


alsonotananswer February 7 2008, 21:08:09 UTC
There was a soft click as the door to the room is picked and swings quietly open. Large-soled shoes pad silently around the detritus strewn across the floor. There is a moment of stillness as the trench-coated figure pauses and stoops.

A shadow falls across the the bed with Renee and Faith as he pauses at the foot, simply watching silently.


not_an_answer February 7 2008, 21:11:18 UTC
She was tired. That was her excuse for not hearing him. Tired and getting lazy here.

Much too safe to keep up those Gotham honed senses.


neverfaithful February 7 2008, 21:16:36 UTC
Slayer senses had been kept up, or maybe Faith was still leery from all those years watching over her shoulder. And she hadn't been sleeping soundly anyway.

She blinked a few times, hearing the noise, and then sat up bolt-straight when she saw there was someone in the room.


alsonotananswer February 7 2008, 21:20:51 UTC
A face that is literally featureless looks back and a finger rises to about where lips should be in a silent shushing motion.


not_an_answer February 7 2008, 21:22:39 UTC
Snapping awake once Faith moved, Renee grabbed for the gun on her bedside stand.

Only a few seconds to take in the intruder and Faith and take a shot off at him. Training. Good thing or bad, who knew?


alsonotananswer February 7 2008, 21:35:01 UTC
Bullets slammed into the figure's chest and he lifts one hand impassively. A thong that he had picked up from the floor dangling between two fingers he asked, "Who are you?"

Then smoke swirled and there was no one there.


neverfaithful February 7 2008, 21:37:05 UTC
Faith lunged at the spot where the figure had been, kicks hitting thin air.

"The fuck was that?" she seethed.


not_an_answer February 7 2008, 21:42:09 UTC
Renee swallowed, gun down, but ready for another shot. "No clue," She muttered, slipping out of the bed to check the place out in cause the freak was still there.


Except, on the thong-- Faith's, Renee's brain supplied helpfully --a note.

520 Kane St.


neverfaithful February 7 2008, 21:46:00 UTC
Faith checked the window - no sign of him, and no trace anywhere else in the hotel room, either.

She leaned over to read Renee's note, eyes narrowing. "Some kinda set-up," she said, shaking her head. "No fuckin' way."


not_an_answer February 7 2008, 21:47:56 UTC
Looking over at Faith vaguely before glancing back at the note, Renee shook her head.

"That's in Gotham. I know that street."

She knew the family who owned the fucking thing. In a way.


neverfaithful February 7 2008, 21:50:02 UTC
"They got a beef with you?" she asked. "You're not gonna go, right?"


not_an_answer February 7 2008, 21:53:01 UTC
"If someone from Gotham wanted to kill me, I don't think they'd dangle underwear at me while I slept."

Well, she hoped not. That just added a whole new fucked up level to it.

"Faceless, huh..." She still had contacts in the department, she could see if they knew who he was...


neverfaithful February 7 2008, 21:55:52 UTC
"You kiddin' me?" Faith folded her arms. "They wanna get you there for some reason. Somethin' fucked up. He didn't waltz on in here to invite you to his fuckin' birthday party. He had some kinda message, he could've called on the fuckin' phone. They want you there, at that spot, and then bad shit goes down. That's how it happens."


not_an_answer February 7 2008, 21:58:07 UTC
Shaking her head, Renee crumpled the note. "What, you think I'd actually go?"


neverfaithful February 7 2008, 22:00:00 UTC
Faith took a deep breath, then shook her head. "Nah, just ... too used to people tearing off like that. Hey, it's a clue, let's fuckin' investigate. Who needs back-up? I bet they have candy." She rolled her eyes. "No wonder the good guys lose so much."


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