OOC - I Bah Like a Sheep!

Jan 03, 2008 19:05

New Character Tiiiiiiiime.

Yes, it deserves capitalization.

*cough* Anywho! Here are my boys and girl in a nutshell for any newbies!

Teddy Altman - Young Avengers: Adorable, gay, alien emperor. Seriously.

And a complete and utter fanboy. He's special like that.

Wade 'Deadpool' Wilson - Cable & Deadpool: The resident mercenary in town. All around crazy and has a tendency to break the fourth wall, so any comments about random things he really shouldn't know, like the author of your character or what channel they're on... it happens.

Feel free to toss an e-mail my way if you're not comfortable with him doing as such.

Also? No telepathy zone here. Unless your name is Nathan Summers. And then you better bring beer.

Detective Renee Montoya - DC (52 and Crime Bible): Not so adorable as kinda hot, gay cop. Seriously.

Former Gotham City cop so she has cajones and a guilt complex that only comic book characters seem to get.

Completely and utterly human and normal. For now. I wait for more from canon to poke at her with.

The Operative - Serenity: No name. Really, he doesn't have one.

I'mma just call him Bob OOC, mmkay?

So, Bob here is from Serenity and after the movie is all over, he needs a place to go and something to do with his life. That something happens to be being a librarian for the present time.

Such an interesting change.

So this also means he is not going to start trying to kill people whose names rhyme with Biver Bam.

Questions? Comments? Naked icons?

info, ooc

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