Thread archive.

Jul 10, 2009 00:44

i think is great when you got thsi feelin and uou cantstop smilin

its greaat oh man

let me tely ou what i'm felin

my arms lare like ankores and they are like there
adn it's like keepin me high an keepin me tiesd down

shoul d i make mak an cheese with hot dogs ////

naybve i wil momma maybe i will

ahhaahaa wha i jsut tried to lift my arm but was like... no you cant do that pal not yet

the time inst right

Part 7:
First thread.Canada being passive-aggressive towards America. France being a pervo-papa. GDR being a hottie. Love at first type. And Canada revealing that he's the gayest ever. Then Belarus tries to get in his pants.

Canada and Chibitalia They talk about curling.

Canada isn't a whore. He isn't.

Small chat about Prussia's Einsamkeit. Wow, I made him gay for Prussia really early on. OTL

Canada asks France for advice. And then an anon asks for advice from France on how to seduce Canada.

Something happens to Russia. Canada feels a small amount of glee. GDR taunts him with pancakes. Belarus has sauce on her face.

Weedsicles are okay too.

In which Canada is a dick.

Canada gets a terrible song stuck in his head. And hints at his communist taste in music.

Canada cries about the weather. And more stuff about his commy tendencies.

Dis bitch ain't got no style compared to dis homeboy! Canada tries to be hip.

Bro and I troll each other for the first time. It's beautiful. Lots of flag-massacring and Obama-fangirling. And other such delights.

Canada pulls a cheap shot at America again.

I'm pretty sure all we ever do is yell at each other.

It wasn't me!

Canada and bunny mamen have feet sex.

Canada gets drunk with everyone. And seemingly becomes nerdy BFFs with a Prussia.

Part 8:
France and England bickering. Canada doesn't really say much here, but posted because there is note enough France vs England love on the meme.

Canada's first accidental de-anon. Not so accidental after all, eh?

The bad rolemodel.

Part 9:
Canada is late! And he whacks, or something.


You can't bring Putine. He's a sourface.

America talks to himself and then Tony scares the doughnuts out of Canada.

Canada and France are weird. And England is such a mom.

Part 10:
Work in progress.


Part 22:
There was an amazing picture of Austria here. but it got deleted. Anyways, Canada got his horn on over Austria's breasts.

Chorizo + maple syrup = ??? Apparently horrible to some anon.

Romano is a dick. But so is Canada. They duke it out.

Belarus is creepy, but she's also a very nice lady.

Germany wonders if he's gay. Canada tries helping him figure it out.

What a horndog. Too bad Prussia doesn't have any facial hair.

Happy America Day! totally_america makes his debut and tries being dirty, but fails. Proceeds to talk about how he celebrates The Best Day Ever. At some point he makes a bet with America about wearing a shirt and some skirt, but I can't seem to find it. UGH TOO LAZY TO GO BACK.

Awkwardly trying to educate lil!Al about titty-fucking. Except not at all. England is drunk.

Oh, Canada. Your reply was three hours late...


Part 23:
Hint hint! Canada somehow managed to predict what was gonna happen later on in this part. Really, I wasn't expecting it. OTL

I LOVE INTERCOURSE. Canada wears some embarrassing articles of clothing. His gay like for Prussia is nearly revealed...!! America comes along and they yell at each other. France is France. Denmark is... Denmark and his little hat dies. Anon and Canada convince America to crossdress too. But then it is revealed that America has a tiny dick.

Fight a chicken for your love! In jello.


What a great start to the day! Prussia sees. Anons spread rumours about Canada and Denmark to rile up Prussia. Canada still hasn't said anything though...

"Canada makes the cutest noises ever when you screw him :)" Rumours were spread. Porn has been written... Denmark and Canada deny this ever happened, BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT ANON SAYS! Prussia and Denmark beat each other up.

Anon works their magic... And it works! Canada confesses. It's not that I like you or anything... Annnnnd then anon rejoices. America freaks out too.

Canada forgets about his bro dollars and The Bro Code.

Anon gives Canada advice. You might get sick.

"Does this smell like chloroform to you?" Canada falls for it. Also GDR is huff huff.

Let's talk cocks. And so they did.

Something something. Something something.

Meeting Germania. Sadly, Canada was masturbating.

Part 24:
"long strong and wide" Not really an RP thread, but BEST SPOOF EVER.

He'll throw a poutine your way, Mister Panda.

The N.A. Bros reveal how nerdy they are.

Weird kinks! Anon seems to know Canada like the back of their hand.

CRAZY SHIT. Basically little!Al goes fucking nuts and then Bigger!Al goes fucking nuts and then Other!Al joins in for shits n' giggles. Canada, the entire time, is slowly freaking out. Apparently England shows up, but I'm not going to read that shit again >:T

Canada is a failure. It is sad.

Japan is one of the least happiest countries. Canada tries comforting him and they both end up nerding like a bunch of nerds.

Anon is a awesome. Canada's sanity is saved, but he is left with a bitter taste in his mouth. Also England is a pedo... I'm kidding.

"Fuck you, four eyes!" said Prussia to Austria. Canada silently slit his wrists... before getting a little horny.

Canada berates serialkiller!anon for being a rude murderer. They make up in the end.

Canada likes the smell of Denmark's breath. Then smacks America in his little whore mouth as the guy admires him like a true bro. Canada then tries to sell some tickets to Pleasureville if y'know what I mean... But then decides to make out with Germania instead... but then gets distracted by England's tight man-pussy and France does not approve.

Anon gets a hug.

Part 25:
Canada is caught masturbating over Prussia. Everyone sees, including Germania. Good first impression? Nope. Was later caught doing it again. Somehow manages to sorta get on Germania's okay side. Snookums.

Ahhh! A ghost. Or not.


Canada has a confession. Except he doesn't.

And then he shares some weed with Holland. How cute.

However, huge drama ensues from Canada supposedly making naughty faces towards President Obama. CUE SAPPY SCENES.

Don't talk about Florida!

Manada harasses Poland...

I'm sorry.


A history of communism.

What's happening? Beats me.

Huffhuff. Okay, there isn't any RP going on in here. GDR is just a hottie.

In which Canada and America plan France's birthday. Except not really.

Part 26:

Part 27:
Failure originated where now? Canada vs Korea!

A present for Canada. It's so cute ; 3 ;

China is fucking weird.

Sweden don't fall asleep. You're not safe.

The Truth or Dare Thread. I am not going through that to find my posts. But things happen. Terrible things. Beautiful things. Poland gives Canada a hair-job.

I made a horrible mistake. Anons are so sweet in the end though.

Canada's reaction to America turning communist. Not very interesting to say the least.

Canada flips the fuck out of the use of "double-double". At some point England reminisces about Canada and two of them show up. They, however, are ignored.

It's a secret. Some white-text whispering between Prussia and Canada. And the latter grows balls, apparently.

America is an idiot. A lot of things happen here. America does something dumb. England is drunk. Canada has a heart-to-heart brofest with a gay America. They talk about how hot England's voice is and America teaches Canada how to forget that their dad, is, well... Their dad. And at some point Canada shoves drunk!England out of irritation. Basically it's just fuckin ridiculous.

part 38
England mistakes Canada for... Himself?

And then Canada flips the fuck out.

Still flipping out.

part 49 lol
man maybe i should just play russia next jk never

part 50
Canada has a moment to think. And shit happens.

part 57
just makin fun of bro as usual

part 58
prussia loses his memory or something and canada tries to help him gain it back by being a gigantic faggot

part 61
Bulgaria is a DICK.

Bros will be bros. Awesome fighting sequence.

Huh, why would someone shoot me?

this little guy basically beats the shit out of canada the entire thread.

Bulgaria is a dick and France is a sap. Canada convinces France that America called him dumb. Followup of that is here.

America and Canada are being stupid with oreos.

part 63
talking to rome


part 72
playing with tiny prussia

halloween time! he gets bit... and then he freaks out. and now for the end result

part 73
vampire vs werewolf not really

prussia and canada creep each other out

part 74
after some mild wank about other people. i may or may not be a dick

i get by with a little help from my bros and something about accents and dads

canada spills coffee cause he's dumb

seriously bro you're such a whore for attention. fart jokes.

multiple posts of woe

part 76
bros still fighting but now it's over the olympics

part 80. I missed some inbetween woops lol
Canada got his hair cut in the last part by Anon. This is the result. Prussia fails. And then another Canada sees this shit.

part 81
super cute hat to hide that awful hair
stuff about being communist here

part 83
Canada finally gets his slender hug.

part 84 I think I missed a few inbetween lol
Canada and Harper get it on.
Red Party. Celebrate the colour red and I'll show you my secret stash of bananas.
Papa!! I just want to talk to you
Everything is ruined. Thanks a lot, HK.

part 85
canada falls asleep. dry humps himself, masturbates, and then gets a smoochies.
girl korea you are the cutest thing on earth

part 86
canada is hypnotized into getting horny about everything and jizzing at the drop of a hat. at some point before this thread he copulates with other canadas, or rather... dry humps them. i'm lazy to find the threads. ANYHOW in this one he gets a boner for LOTR and germania

part 89
finding out some secret. and gdr has gotten really good at acting, eh?
Canada talks with fem!America who also makes out with Prussia and he... Watches.
And then Canada has a tickle fight or something.idfk lol
rome has dingleberries. and then germania teaches canada how to be a cool guy.

part 90
too lazy to look but i was body swapped with liechtenstein

part 91
page 9 canada orgy. now with +1 for creepiness.
Love letters. Canada cheats with love generators.
To eh or ve? That is the real question. Ya.

part 92
incredibly belated birthday gift and early x-mas gift to papa from the bros. first time for a cafe-family reunion ;o;

can't remember if i did any rping between that and 94 but... lol

part 94
banana cravings damn you anon. prussia appears.
HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE THE BEST/ONLY CAFE-family EVER but this leads to canada completely two dares that he hadn't originally signed up for. curse you femme!korea!!

part 98 (i keep forgetting to log stuff lol)
bros are bros are bros are gays unbreak my texas.
a... a cute moment ;o; sob
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