(no subject)

Dec 27, 2020 00:03

Hello dear LJ friends. I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas holiday. Like everyone else ours is very different to what we’re used to. Our daughter and grandson came round yesterday morning to exchange and open presents but they didn’t join us for Christmas lunch. They would have been allowed to but we are being extra careful because of my health issues especially the fact that I’m on immunosupressants due to a blood condition. It’s actually been a horrendous year health wise. They finally found the right meds to control my blood platelet condition and I started to think I could relax a bit and get on with normal life but a few weeks ago I was told I had a lump inside my womb which was most probably cancer. Four weeks ago I had a hysterectomy op by laparoscopic surgery. I was only in hospital for two nights and recovered quite quickly but the worst part was getting through the two weeks waiting for the results. By the end I’d convinced myself of the worst possible scenario so it was a huge relief when I was told it was very early stage cancer which was contained within the womb and had been completely removed. Thankfully I won’t need any further treatment.

I must apologise to my friends abroad who I normally send Xmas cards to as I think I might have just missed the last posting date which means they will probably turn up after Christmas.

Many thanks for the many birthday greetings. As usual I kept forgetting it was my birthday, it really is not a good day to have a birthday!

Anyway it’s almost midnight so I must bring this to a close. I know I said the same last year but I really do hope I will post again soon and not next Christmas.

Lots of love to all!

xmas 2020

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