
Dec 27, 2018 22:11

I do hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas break. I Would like to thank jan_u_wine and mother2012 for their kind virtual gifts. Also many thanks for the Christmas cards from yeuxdebleu ladysnaps Julchen and Bellewood And of course thank you for all the online birthday greetings.

Well, I have actually had the year from hell. But I came out of hospital a couple of weeks ago following yet another operation and I am really hoping I have turned a corner and am on the road back to normality.

Also I haven't been able to post here as much as I would like due to computer troubles. My laptop has a cracked screen and my mini iPad has never worked well with LJ. I need to start looking for a new laptop and perhaps I'll then be able to post more often. Warning - I have countless pics of my gorgeous grandson (who is now six) which I really want to share!!

Thank you again for all the lovely Christmas and birthday greetings. XX
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