
May 29, 2018 20:44

Many thanks for all the kind messages following my last post back in March. The operation went well and I was on iv antibiotics in the hospital for two weeks. This was followed by six weeks of three different, high dose oral antibiotics at home and as you can probably imagine this leaves you feeling pretty rough. I am now finished with those and feeling a lot better. I am also walking and moving a lot better than I was when I first came home though I'm only allowed to put 50% weight on my left leg because of the temporary implant (which is also packed with antibiotics!). It is very weird having this thing in my leg as I can feel and hear all this crunching and grinding as I walk! I have also been having weekly blood tests and on Saturday I went to have an injection to withdraw fluid from my hip so they can find out if the infection is gone so I am on tenterhooks waiting for that. It is all so frustrating as I am not capable of doing much around the house so I'm having to watch Roger struggle with it all. I have to say he's been amazing and I don't know what I'd have done without him.

I'm so sorry for all the birthdays I've missed - I do hope they were all really happy. Hopefully I will be able to keep up a bit better now that I'm feeling more like myself. But of course, all being well I will be having the second operation to fit my proper replacement hip in a few weeks time.

Love to all xx
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