Golden eagles don't scream, they hiccup]
Flying is amazing. [rustle of feathers, click of talons] Trying to get out of a house with closed windows and doors is not. But the air!
And since eagles don't have hands, I don't have burns. [beak click] Too bad the days aren't longer, I can't hunt in the dark. Too bad it's going to wear off at midnight. Makes me almost wish I lived in a world that allowed for this sort of thing all the time. Everyone pretends to be animals when they're kids, but being able to actually do it is something else.
Enough blathering, let's put these eyes to good use...
Golden Eagle, symbol of the Roman legions, relative of the Bald Eagle, hardcore predator. She'll try to not eat you. ♥ I know I missed out on the well!Megumi thing, complete absentmindedness on my part. D: We'll just pretend nothing happened. ;;;;]