Aug 20, 2008 21:31
[cars, the sound of crowds passing by, definitely a street atmosphere]
Waking up here certainly was a surprise. I had always thought it was just a dream, if a particularly vivid one. The more I tried to think about it, the more holes appeared.
I'm very sorry I forgot.
[a thoughtful pause]
I think I've figured most of it out, but I'm afraid I won't be much help to the Police Force. With old age and retirement comes a whole host of physical problems I'm sure no one wants to hear about. The regular me will probably be back at midnight, of course.
That said, does anyone want to join an old lady for a cup of coffee?
[ooc: didn't feel like repeating the terrified wake-up scene, so have a retired, more mellow, 60+ George out on the town. ♥
edit: bedtime! comment replies in the morning.]
waking up in the wrong universe,
what is this retirement you speak of?,
where am i again?,
old lady,