things go boom and make me happy!!! XD

Jul 02, 2007 19:59

I drove up to Connecticut with my cousin and spent about $60 on Fireworks! We went to 4 different places, looking for the good stuff, like bottle rockets and smoke bombs. No place had M80's or anything really cool, 'cuz apparently the good stuff is illegal in CT. :( *pouts* But at one stand they actually had the illegal smoke bombs and I bought tons! XD They also had stink bombs and I got 4 packs of those with 3 bombs in each. XD Mwahahaha. We also got tons of sparkly things and stuffs, and one rocket that shoots in the air and goes boom with all pretty colors and stuffs. :D Wahoo.
I'm still a little upset over the lack of bottle rockets though. :( *pouts* You can shoot those at people and it's fun! lol.
Friday night after I was finished with work, my cousin Richard and I got some bottle rockets from Eddie and kept setting Justin up so he came outside and we would shoot them at him. XD The second time we did it my rocket went off, but Richard's was a dud and didn't shoot, so I rolled to the side in the grass and covered my ears, but dummy dropped it right behind me and it blew up right next to me. Idiot! I felt the concussion from the blast against my back, but no damage was done. We both went inside afterwards, reeking of gunpowder from two different duds. I had gunpowder on my elbow and all over my hands. XP Heh, heh. It was fun though.
It was especially fun on Wednesday night when Eddie locked Justin in the shed after throwing two smoke bombs in after him. XD Bwahahaha. Then, later that night I stuck a bottle rocket in the hole in the bathroom door when Justin was in there. Twice. That was hilarious. I love it. I'm so evil. XD

life: stupid, fireworks

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