The Misadventures of Juror #112 continued: our government is insane....

Mar 14, 2006 16:38

After what happened yesterday I tried my hardest to stay away in the juror's lounge, and it turns out that they didn't notice my absense after lunch, so I didn't get in trouble. However, I did get called back to the courtroom with the rest of the group that hadn't been picked for jury on that trial. Why? Well, because more frikkin' juror's got excused! URG! Two got excused, two more were called, not one of them being me. I heaved a huge sigh of relief..... UNTIL... one of the replacement's got EXCUSED! ARG! Then of course, who gets called? ME! I felt like a kid gone into school to find there's a huge test on the lesson they missed out on. x_0; Now I was in the hot seat. The lawyers hadta ask me stuff to make sure I hadn't already formed an opinion of guilt or innocence yet, yadda yadda yadda. I shoulda approached the side bar and said I was a racist. x_0 D'OH!
So now I'm on the jury and I hafta sit through the whole trial and try to pay attention. This is torture! I'm the youngest person among the other 13 jurors, and the youngest among THEM hasta be like 35. They all look at me like I'm a little kid. x_0; And the weirdest part. One of the juror's is my kindergarten teacher! Once I was called and they hadta say my name she was like, 'Oh my god, I know you! Wasn't I your teacher in kindergarten?' Then she said how tomorrow she'd hafta bring in pictures. x_0; AHH! But she really is a super nice lady person though. She even gave me a ride home 'cuz we got out early an' I woulda had to wait in my uncle's office 'till like 6.
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