half ass update. :P

Jul 17, 2010 21:33

Sooooo, since I got a new laptop, I was still going to keep the old one for Photoshop, 'cuz it was on there and not exactly legal, so I couldn't transfer it. But then it turned out that the old lappy was chock FULL of viruses and had to be completely wiped out. Thankfully I'd already transferred my pics and fic stuff via flashdrive, but there were still things like my documents from school reports, etc, that were on that computer. AND I LOST MY PHOTOSHOP!!!!!!! :( :( :( *whines* So it's no graphic-making for me for a while. Boo. I don't know how to d/l torrents correctly, so I'm gonna hafta wait till I can buy Photoshop Elements 8. But it doesn't have all the CS3 stuff I'm used to. :( Ugh.

life: suckage, life: update

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