
Jun 15, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 09:21 Mornin' tweebs. #
  • 14:04 This is a boring day off. And it sucks 'cuz everyone is HOME. Leave me alone!!!! No, I do not want to empty the damn dishwasher!!! #
  • 16:32 I got my tax return today! w000000t!!! :) #
  • 17:15 hate when I see people driving w/their dogs in the open bed of a pick-up. #
  • 22:06 Twitter fail whale. Not cool. #
  • 22:45 Crap. I need to wake up at like 7:30 tomorrow. x_0; #
  • 23:07 Gotta go sleepy now. Night night all. #
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