
Jun 14, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 09:57 Mornin'. Bank and possible coffee run this morning. #
  • 12:35 Do not wanna work #atthebistro tonight. Ugh. Gotta get it over with, though. Tomorrow off. #
  • 12:48 Gotta go. D'oh. #
  • 14:11 People w/screaming children, first customers. GREAT. #atthebistro #
  • 15:58 "I just wanna lay here and feel you breathe, listen to the rhythm of your heart beat..." <- SJ SONG! :P #SJonthebrain #
  • 18:28 2.5 more hours to goooooo. If I'm lucky. :/ #
  • 20:06 Okaaaay, ready to go home now. thnx. #atthebistro #
  • 20:54 Dooone. going home.yay #
  • 21:34 Yaaaaaaaaay, I'm so glad #LastComicStanding is back! Now let's hope I can remember to watch this season. :) #
  • 22:38 I just fought an epic battle trying to keep a moth outside the door. Oh yeah. #
  • 23:34 Itchy allergy eyes! AHHHH. #
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