
Apr 30, 2010 07:01

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 07:42 iz somewhat awake. #
  • 08:00 off to class. #
  • 08:18 stuck behind a school bus. grrreat. #
  • 10:11 Thinkin' I'm gonna skip my field trip for Ocean Lab. Not like we're doing anything cool like going 2 an aquarium or anything. #
  • 10:21 Ok, definitely skipping. Gonna meet Pete at Panera. :P lol. #
  • 10:42 - I'm a bad bad student. :P #
  • 10:58 - Yuuuuum. #
  • 12:56 Off to work. Bummer. #
  • 21:31 home. yay #
  • 23:23 Time to go sleepy. #
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