
Apr 27, 2010 07:01

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 07:56 *yawns* About to go to class. #
  • 08:56 Class was cancelled. wtf. I coulda slept in. #
  • 09:49 - baby & me. :) I wuv him. #
  • 10:24 #NightmareonElmStreet comes out Friday! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :) #
  • 11:09 OMG. Scary clowns! #Supernatural #
  • 11:27 Eep. Scary, KILLER clown! x_0; #Supernatural #
  • 13:54 Got a frappe at the McDs in CT & the lady called it a 'frappy.' lol #
  • 14:01 - The sun came out! :D #
  • 15:45 - I have 2 different socks on. lol. :P #
  • 17:25 Gotta head to my evening class soon. #
  • 18:25 Really hoping our folder thingy wasn't due today. I'm missing lots of stuff. x_0; #
  • 21:23 Home from class. Starved. Having leftover ravioli. YUM. :) #
  • 00:17 I can sleep in tomorrow! :) Back 2 the state house in the afternoon. They're off break. Really, really need 2 know if I'll be gettin' $ soon #
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